If I was to be able to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stay focused and not to give up. The future is unstable and getting your degree now is so much easier than trying to go back later in life with children, bills, etc. Anything that crosses your path, will still be there if it is meant to be. This is the time to take care of yourself. Enjoy the experience, give it your all. You deserve this and it will give you such a better future. It will never be easier than it is right now. People will try to discourage you and will let you down. Hang in there and believe in yourself. Anyone not supportive of that, isn't worth having in your life. You can change your stars!
As a high school senior, I was thinking of "living in the now" and not planning for my future. Ten years later, married with five children, I would tell my senior self that an education is the greatest gift I could have done for myself. It is much easier to finish school before marriage and children than it is after these things happen. I would get my senior self to make a pros and cons list about getting an education. In choosing the path I chose, there are many cons that include financial insecurity, lack of advancement in jobs, and hard work for less money. The pros of school would include a sense of self-accomplishment, financial security, and time with family that is priceless. It is never too late to try to do better and going back to school now is the first step in that direction. Life is meant to be enjoyed and securing a degree in a field that I love would be the best gift in life.
If i went back in time to my high school self I would tell myself to not worry about what other people think about you. I would tell myself to always look at the glass as half full rather than half empty. I would tell myself to allow myself to be happy without the need of others to encourage me. I would also tell myself to listen to my mother because as it is known "mother is alwats right".
Almost all senior high school students are just so thrilled that they have made it this far, that they do not really foresee what is to come. With that said, I would have known to start looking for scholarships the first week of my senior year to help my parents with tuition. I would have gone on more college tours to find the perfect place for me, and would have enjoyed and created much more memories with my high school friends. College is great, it is a step towards bettering your future, but you never get your high school time back. I would say that I would have enjoyed it more, stayed focused, thought about what the next step will be, and prepared myself for what is to come.
I would tell myself that the scheduled classes make it easy to skip classes. So, put the classes together and always drive to school with a friend so that they can help you stay in and do what you are supposed to do. And no matter what happens or how hard it gets never stop, for you will regret it.
I would go back and tell myself that you need to work harder. The work in college is more difficult and takes longer to do. You need to apply yourself more and start getting a good study habit. You know your capable of getting all A's. All you have to do is study and you can do it. Also apply for as many scholarships as you can. You need as much as you can get so you can go to your drream school. Just try harder and you'll do great things. Prove your teachers wrong. Let them know that you are capable of doing well.
Focus on school, grades are everything. Yes, partying is fun and great, but if you don't do well in school the cost of partying is definitely not worth the fun. Stay on track, don't give in to peer pressure so easily. If people are your true friends they will want you to succeed and be the best you that you are capable of being. Listen to your parents, they are not as dumb as you think they are. Talk more to people that have been in college and take their advice to heart. Focus more on you than other people, because you are the only one that is going to get your through this, no one else cares.
If I were to go back in time, there would be numerous things I would tell myself about college. College, first of all, is completely different from high school. You have to work much harder than you do in high school, and the professors are rather strict when it comes to reading your textbook and doing the assignments. DO NOT SLACK OFF SENIOR YEAR!!! Though it seems like you should get a break from all of the stress the first three years of high school have put you through, you still need to work as hard as you can to prepare for college.
Not only academically, but you will also make some new friends at college. High school may be filled with drama, and you may not feel like your friends there are going to be there for you no matter what. However, in college, you will find new friends and opportunities. You will become rather close with these friends, for they have, for the most part, matured. Though college will be hard, your new friends will be there for you to help you along the way to make college not seem so stressful. Stick with it. No matter what.
I think that now after experiencing the seriousness of college, if i could, i would go back in time and tell myself to focus more in school and work harder to make better grades. I would tell myself that the future is more important than I think it is and push myself to study harder and instead of worrying about the weekends and what party i would be going to next, tell myself to start bringing home books to study for that big test and actually try on my homework rather then jotting down the answers two minutes before the teacher took it up. When i was in high school I wasn't thinking alot about college or the future so i only worried about having fun. But now, I take my schooling more seriously and am working hard to bring up my GPA so that i can earn as many scholaraships as I can.
As a high school senior, I don't believe I ever would have thought this to be my answer. I wish I would have taken a year off from school. I would have spent that time, working a full time job trying to earn my own way, finding myself, researching schools and programs of study. Most importantly, I would have been more definative about what I wanted to do before I got into college.
Once I started college, I saw a whole new world never revealed to me up to that point. I had fun, I studied some, but I did not have any real goal I was headed toward. I changed my mind three or four times before I decided what I really wanted to do. I wasted time and money by not being sure of myself and my plans for my future.
If someone doesn't want to take a year off before starting college, I would strongly recommend to at least start with general education studies. Build up your core, test out a little bit of everything to be sure of who you are, and who you want to become.