Start visiting early and often. If you are unsure of what you want, then pick a diverse place with a lot of options. If you need small classes, you may need a smaller school. Dorms, dining and location are key but don't forget the number one reason you are going to school: to earn a degree. So make sure that in addition to the comforts and social aspects of school, you are going to get a good education. College is ridiculously expensive, and if you are going to be coming out of it in a lot of debt (like I and so many others will be), then you want to make sure you are not wasting your time and money. Have fun, make friends and memories to last a lifetime, and get your degree- Those are the three biggest goals for college education. And don't worry if you pick the wrong school the first time- you can always transfer (if you do, try to do it sooner rather than later). Remember, these are some of the best years of your life, so don't sweat the small stuff, and have fun.
It is very important to find a college that you can actually learn while being there, well thats why we go to college in the first place. It is rough now with the economy but if a college makes the difference that you will succeed, its ok to spend a little more and try to get scholarships and loans because it will pay off at the end. I know many people think the college experience should be fun but we also have to be responsible and get a better understanding of life, because college most of the time its the door into life.
When it comes to choosing the "right college" you (the student) have to you with your gut feeling. First off, breathe. If you don't feel like you fit in on a certain campus, chances are that feeling won't go away even when you start attending that college. You should feel welcome on the campus you choose and you'll know the difference of fitting in and not fitting in when you visit colleges. Once you've found your "right college" you should definitely find out what groups are on campus and get involved right away. Joining clubs automatically gives you similarities with all the people who are already involved and it makes meeting new people and starting friendships really easy. You can learn a lot about the people you're spending time with in an organization or club on campus. Go to campus wide activities too, they are a great way to meet new people that may have a lot in common with you. Parents, learn to let go and let your student create their own college experience for themselves. They'll appreciate you even more if you're not breathing down their necks.
The best advice I can give is to make sure you visit the college you wish to attend. Take a tour of the school, given by a student currently attending so you can ask as many questions as you like. Be sure to ask any questions that you may have and do not hold back. If you are attending a school undecided, like most college freshman are make sure you look into a school that offers a wide variety of majors so you will have many options.
I think the most important part of selecting a college is going to see it for yourself. Once you are on the campus, you are able to visualize yourself as a student there and this will help in the selection process. You will be able to determine what sized school you would thrive in: a large college, where you would sit in lecture halls frequently, or a small college, where you would typically have a personable relationship with your professor. Also, you will be able to see what the weather is like and whether or not you would be able to handle living in a warm or cold climate throughout the school year.
Once you choose your school, you should make the most of the college experience. By joining a club or greek organization, you can meet people just like yourself! It is even a good idea to be extra friendly during orientation because that is where friendships can blossom. Just by being friendly during class, you can unknowingly make a lifelong friend. Also make sure to be courteous to your neighbors. It could always come in handy whenever you lock yourself out of your room!