Warner Pacific College Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Warner Pacific College?


how friendly people are here and also how much this school has helped me grow as an adult.


How fast the time has flown by and how much I've actually learned


When bragging to my friends about Warner Pacific College, I emphasize the supportive community this college offers. The benefit to smaller institutions is the opportunity to establish and maintain strong relationships. Teachers and facility genuinely care about the students at Warner Pacific. I have experienced first hand the diligent effort this college puts forth to prepare the students for a successful Christian life. I admire being a part of an environment where students willingly reach out to the less fortunate in the Portland area. This campus creates a unique ?buzz? that reveals the value of community and service.


Making friends on campus is easy with all the opportunites to get involved. Its fun to get involved with sports, everyone always goes to watch the basketball team play. I'm not Christian and I don't mind the capel requirement too much. A lot of them are filled with school anouncements and skits if you pick the right ones to attend.


I tell other people about how I have made great friends, how easy it is to talk to the teachers and discuss improtnat matters. The best thing about my school is even though I am so far away from home my school has a great community that the teachers and faculty are always supportive and ready to help.


I brag that even though we are a tiny school, my school has such a great atheletic department that I am proud to be a part of. I play soccer for the women's team, and apart of being on the team, we get to travel across the country to play games I would never have dreamed of. As lucky as I am we also as a team give back to the community. This goes to show that we care about more then ourselves, we want to better everyone around us, to feel as proud as I do.


When I tell my friends about Warner Pacific College, I most "brag" about the care that the professors have for the students' welfare. Countless times I have told of the time when my biology professor verbalized to me that he recognized my lack of performance compared to my abundant effort at the beginning of the year. He said he could tell that I had the ability to do well, and he suspected that something had happened to cause me to stop performing as well. He offered to talk with me if I so desired. I very much appreciated the support.


I brag about the people. My favorite thing about Warner Pacific College is that it is impossible to walk across campus without seeing at least a few warm smiles from people you know and who care about you. I love that people are, for the most part, genuinely nice and encouraging. You don't have to watch your back at school because you know that those around you are wanting you to succeed and to enjoy your experience- they are never looking to tear you down.


I usually brag about the fact that I can see my professors almost whenever I need because they have more time to invest in us due to the fact that they do not have teachers aids that teach the class. I also brag about how easy it is to be involved in intramurals, leadership, and even varsity sports teams. Really the main thing is the fact that the professors care about our overall development. I even had a professor visit me in the hospital.


I love the small class size in my private school. It gives students more one-on-one time with the teacher, and it is also better in making friends. Some of my upperclassmen friends have told me that soon I will know everyone on campus. I also like going to a christian based college, everyone is so friendly there, students, faculty, and teachers. True, we take bible classes, but they're enjoyable, and we are not forced to take a bible major or minor. They also have a special class for freshman fall semester to help freshman adjust to college.


I brag about our family. Here at warner pacific college we are a family. No matter what you are going though in life I can guarantee that a friend, facualty member or staff will be there for you to have a shoulder to lean on. Since we are such a small campus everyone knows eachother and the environment is very comfortable and friendly.


Small class sizes, amazing professors who invest in their students in and out of class, out-of-the-box thinking, a well-rounded education that emphasized academic, personal, and spiritual development