Warren Wilson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Warren Wilson College know before they start?


Take your time and do not assume anything. I think the most valuable place you can look for answers when you are having a hard time making a decision is in your heart. I ended up at a school that was waaaay more expensive than any of the others that I got accepted to, but it was about my happiness and my success, not the money. If you feel deep down that you/your child will be happy somewhere, you're probably right. Oftentimes the dream school ends up being a nightmare in the end for the student. Do not hesitate to go down the road less travelled. And make sure that you do your research, thoroughly, because schools always try to make themselves look better in any way they can.


Something that has turned out to be very important when choosing the right college is to visit the schools, as many as you want to, and to really get a feel for what the campus is like. That is an excellent sign for how the college will fit to the student. If your gut tells you that the school is good, and you're comfortable on campus, then that's a good sign.


I would tell them that a small college like Warren-Wilson had a tremedous community. It's very easy to make friends, and to find social activities at a college like this. There are so many more opportunities here to live in the moment and bond with people. Because it is so small you meet and become friends with more people than you would at a larger college, because you see the same people every day. The best advice I could give to someone who's choosing a college would be for them to think about their personalities, and to think about themselves in that enviornment.


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Finding the right college is hard to do. I was lucky enough to follow my brothers footsteps and go to Warren Wilson College. I believe that the size of the college really is important. Sometimes small is better, you get more attention, respect, and you feel like you are part of a community. When I miss a class and I go to the dinning hall, my proffesor is bound to be there asking me if I am ok, or why I wasn't in class. When teachers know who you are and what you are interested in, it makes it much more rewarding to do well in their class. I would also suggest that prospective students visit the college with and without their parents. Make the extra investment to come back a second time and stay with a student on campus, it's the only way that you can get a true glimpse of the social life on campus, which is extremely important.


Make sure to keep your options open. Don't be too impulsive but follow your gut instincts. Remember that what you choose will, most likely, be your home and lifestyle for the next four years. Remember that half of college is the social growing up that you do and experiences that you have. Treat your college search like your search for a life partner. Be picky, there are so many different options. During your first year, you will change a lot but it's ok. You'll feel really weird sometimes but make sure to put yourself out there and meet lots of different types of people. College is a great opportunity to network and appreciate things you may not have come across before. Summers are a great time to travel and learn about things outside of the "box" of college. You'll never be this age again, know that you have a lot of power to create change around you. Interact with people of all ages and backgrounds, sometimes the best learning opportunities are right in front of you. Lastly, good luck and have fun!