Washburn University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Washburn University know before they start?


Dear high school senior Coral, When you get to college, notecards will be your best friends! You might take them as a joke in high school, but when you're trying to memorize hundreds of medical vocabulary, notecards are great! Going along with the studying habits, take full advantage of the library being open 24 hours, for five days a week. It'll be your second home on campus, and you'll always have someone you know there to study with. Socially, make friends early, and step out of your shy shell. People are going to realize how cool and awesome you are, regardless of how weird you really are. You might doubt going Greek now, but it's actually enjoyable, and your sisters are always pushing you to be your best, and wanting you to focus on your grades, since you're here for an education not a social life. Overall, your first semester of college is always the worst, but you'll get through it and realize that it's all worth it in the end! Keep your head up, and you'll be fine! Sincerely, College Coral


Assuming that I have the opportunity to turn back time and give me some advice so that my life would of been successful. I'd say take advantage of the great opportunities that were presented to me, because they don't always come back again. I was very young when those opportunities arrived and I didn't fully understand how crucial was for me to go to college. Here I am, 3 years later trying to get back in track in obtain my big dream of helping children through my career. Knowing what my life could of been if I only had been smart in making my choices. I'm full of regrets but I have learned my lesson, and I'm prepared with all the right tools this time. I might not have the chance of going back in time to warn me but my future mistakes but it's never too late to fix the undone. I still have time and the enthusiasm to make a career. Only by educating myself I will achieve the job that I anxiously been waiting for.


Be prepared to study and put a lot of time into your homework. College is more challenging than high school and you will actually need to study for tests. Don't be afraid to talk to the teachers. If you don't understand something, speak up. Nobody is there to make fun of you. Chances are, if you didn't understand something, at least one other student didn't understand it either, but is too afraid to speak up. Don't allow yourself to walk away having no idea what you just learned. Find a hobby or something that you enjoy doing (and preferably does not cost a lot of money). There are going to be times when you need to take a break from your homework and do something fun and relaxing. Eat good food. The last thing you need is to get sick right before finals. Take a class just because it sounds fun, not because it's a requirement for your major. Most importantly, have fun. Enjoy this chance to make new friends and meet new people.


If I were to go back in time and talk to my high school self, I would begin by telling myself to follow my dreams of being a network administrator. Embrace the inner geek and let it show, for that is how you have always acted and will always act. You should really listen to Mrs. Evans and start applying to school and enrolling now, do not wait until you are two years out of highschool to finally get on the ball. There is more to life than video games and Mtn. Dew, get off your butt and study; finish this year out strong and don't let the momentum down while in college. Just be sure to visit Emporia after school is out and meet a girl named Alexandria, without her you would be lost, because she will always be there for you and start making a payment on a ring soon; they are really pricey!


In High School I had dreams of being an artist and I loved science. I wasn't a particularly good student, but I made descent grades. Nobody in my family had ever gone to college, and it wasn't something that was expected. I loved learning and going to school, but I didn't even know where to start. I had many things going wrong in my life. My father died when I was only four and my mother was very sick. I had a lot of responsibilities and school didn't seem as important. Looking back I really wish I had taken that step. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life. Today I can think of a thosand things to say but the most important would be to just go for it. I eventually lost my mom in 2010 and from that moment i knew there was nothing that could hold me back. I was afraid of failure, mainly because of the feedback I had recieved from some of my high school teachers. Today I have a 3.71 GPA, it isnt perfect but I have worked so hard to get here.


As a senior in high school I was able to take a shorten schedule my last semester. I wish now that I had taken classes that would have counted for college credit. By finishing all of my required classes at the end of the first semester, I did not have to worry about whether or not I would have all my credits finished for graduation. Take the extra time to look for scholarships to help with college expenses. This will help reduce the number of student loans that may be needed. It would also be advantageous to take classes from a community college to help reduce expenses. This could also help with the transition from high school to college. Take any opportunity your high school gives you to succeed. I did the internship at Washburn University because I knew that would be the college I would be attending.


If I had to give myself some advice or could go back in time to tell myself something about college it would be work alot harder. Back then I didnt take high school to the most serious note but I always did put my best effort in and also dont be afraid to ask for help because in high school and colelge help is always a positive thing it could help change a grade that might help your gpa improve. Another thing is stay focused dont let little things distract you just worry about your future and what you want to become later in life. Dont let any surrounding situations bring you down even if your parenst arent around always do wahts best for you.


If i could go back to high school and talk to myself as a senior i would tell myself to look for more and apply for more scholarships. I would also tell myself to get more involved, do sports, join activities on campus and make more friends.


The best imaginable advice is to do exactly what you did, with a little more emphasis on studying. Freshman year of college is the most freeing and rewarding time. Make a point to attend all the campus activites and meet as many people as you can. Talk to everyone in your classes. Make connections! The most beneficial aspect to succeeding in college is a strong support system. Freshman begin alone and scared, but not when they have friends. Form study groups, as they make friends and keep people focused. Don't give up on your classes, even when a test goes bad. Make connections with the professors; they are solely there to help you succeed, so let them help! When confused, seek help. It doesn't make anyone any less intelligent, it just means they are smart enough to ask.


If I had an opportunity for a do-over, I would choose to have taken more advice from my family. I have always been a person to pursue my own goals in my own way and I could have avoided many hardships if I was less stubborn. However, the hardships I have endured have made me stronger and more grateful for all that I have. An example of this would be my current situation with school. If I had taken my family's advice, I would be done with school and have my degree at this point and would be further in my career. I would be much less stressed because of my financial situation and I would have more free-time to devote to the people I love. However, it is possible that I appreciate every opportunity that I have had a chance to learn from because of the obstacles I have overcome.


I would tell myself that i would need to make better study habits, because studying in high school does not prepare you for the studying that you will need to do in college. And that you have to stay on top of your hw or else you will get behind and oyou will get overwhelmed and not do very well. Another thing that i would tell myself is to get more involved. This is very important your freshman year so you can meet new people and branch out because some of the people you meet could end up being your best friend. The last thing that i would tell myself is to form a relationship with your teachers and make sure they know who you are. This is important because they can write letters of recommendation for you, and they will be more willing to help you if you speak in class and introduce yourself and make sure that you are not just sitting in the back quiet or sleeping the whole time your in class. Get involved in the lectures and ask manyquestions. Teachers also nominate you for scholorships and groups so they need to know who you are.


I would say that I need to take more pre-college classes as a senior in high school so that I can get ahead on my credit hours. I would also tell myself to take a harder course load in high school and not to slack so that college won't be as big of a shock, course work wise. I'd also tell myself to become more interacted with my fellow alumni because they can become great connections for me later in life and business. Finally, I'd tell myself to relax because I'll finally figure out what exactally I want to do with my life.


I would tell myself to have realistic dreams and going out of state isn’t going to work out so you will end up in a community college do to financial issues. That you should have realized that things never work out the way you what them to and you should have just tried for the cheapest way that you can get an education, because now you are attending an absolutely dreadful community college that you can barely afford, your stuck at home with your highly dysfunctional family and you are living a life that if someone told you would be living after college you would laugh at them and say it’s a lie. That if you could live on campus just ten minutes away you would be the happiest man on earth and with just a good scholarship you can stop questioning life and if you will ever get an education and finally have something to live for.


The most important thing that I would have liked to been aware of is the individual responsibility as a student. In high school I was told and knew that I would have to be more responsible when being a college student, but it was more than I expected. Unlike the small school I came from where my teachers told us and constantly reminded us of our assignments and deadlines, professors do not do this. Most college professors expect the students to follow the class syllabus and be prepared with no exceptions. I had be well organized and aware in detail of what was going on in each one of my classes. The class syllabus was often online. I wish I would have known how important technology and e-mail would be when becoming a college student. I missed a couple assignments at the beginning of the semester because I did not know to look online at the syllabus to check for upcoming assignments.


Attending college has been the ultimate experience. It has taught me how dependant I truly am, and how much I can handle. It has tested me in many ways, from schoolwork to friends. I have grown into a person I believe is good, and honest, and a valuble assest to whichever path I choose. From the classes I have taken, and the on and off campus jobs I have held, I feels as if I have gained experience that will only help me. Many of the essential characteristics that I have gained, including self-reliance, time management, fiscal responsibilty, and work ethic, I don't believe I would have gotten otherwise. Although it may not be the same for everyone, attending college was definitely the right choice for me, and I don't regret any minute of it.


I've learned that I can be my own person and rule my own schedule. I've become more responsible and independent while living on my own going to college. It's hard work, but it's completely worth it. Getting this education is very important for any future jobs I may want and knowing I'm able to take care of myself because college helped me transition to the real world is very reassuring. This is something your parent's can't teach you and it's a very valuable lesson, one that I've greatly appreciated and hope to continue.


I haven't been in college very long so far, but I have valued my short experiences. College is so different than high school in many ways. I have appreciated the level of respect my professors and peers give me and the conduct of the students (no horseplay!) College is much more challenging academically, but I feel like I can actually learn things to further my life and career. We aren't learning the basics anymore, college matters because it impacts where you will be in life.


When I began college at 16, I was an scared high-school student, naive and unprepared to succeed in this world. As I started attending classes and became integrated into my college, I began to learn the true value of education. I had good professors who invested both time and energy into my life. Their dedication to caring for me as a person, not just a number, opened my eyes and mind to the wonder of the world around me. I learned to be curious and ask questions about everything. I have learned to strive hard after the things that interest me and to take the time to invest in other's lives, so that they too can learn the value of education and knowledge. Because I have come away with such a passion for learning and a greater awareness of what my strengths and weaknesses are as a person, I feel better equipped to start finding my place in this world. My college experience has both opened my mind and given me the basic tools and skills I need to start stepping out of my comfort zone and start pursuing my dreams.


I have learned that it is important to reach out to people and to get out of my comfort zone! Growing up in a very small town, I never had to really extend myself to make friends. Being in college, hundreds of miles from my home, family and friends has really made me come out of my shell. So many people and clubs have reached out to me and it's such a relief to know that I can be part of a group and really feel like I belong somewhere! I realize that the friendships I make now are an introduction to the networking that is done in the business world I plan to enter after my college education. Even though I have only been in college for several months, I feel I have learned alot about myself and have improved my social skills.


I have gained many things from my college experience thus far. Firstly, I have become a much more independant and self-sufficient young woman. I have chosen a major that I strive for a career in everyday, and the academic advisors here willingly guided me through the entire process of choosing said major. I'm really happy with my choice and have such a firm conviction now that Criminal Justice is where I belong. College has been valuable for me to attend because I have gained such a breadth of knowledge and so many skills I will use for the rest of my life. My dad has multiple degrees, and growing up he always knew "everything" when I asked for help with my homework, he is one of the most intelligent, best people I know. Hopefully, someday I can be that for my children, and they can give me a hard time that I know too much, too! I have become a better, more well-rounded, intelligent, responsible person in attending college and I would never take that choice back. I know my education will take me where I want to go in life!