Washington & Jefferson College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Washington & Jefferson College?


I would have to say that the most frustrating thing about my school is financial aid and the overall financial situation. The school has a very high tuition and it typically increases year after year due to intended improvements to the schools facilities and programs. Finacial aid does provide a lot of support and assistance in the process of paying for the education, but it has also proven to be a large burden for many people and can be an intense hassle to resolve financial issues at time.


Lack of options in housing and food. There is only one cafeteria and a fast food place. Also, many of the programs are very competitive, and it is easy to be lost among all the bright individuals. It's hard to stand out from the crowd at times. There is practically no diversity on campus.


The most frustrating thing about my university is the fact that every professor tends to demand that their class be put foremost in student's priorities. While I'm aware that this happens at every university, with a college as small as mine (it's rare to be in a class larger than 18 people), every student is expected to participate fully in every one of their courses. This stringent, demanding mentality of professors can be harsh for a student who's dealing with a physics lab, upper level language course, and 300-level European diplomacy course.


The most frustrating thing about Washington and Jefferson is the difficulty to get into some specific classes when registering.


The most frustrating thing about my school is balancing all my activities with my sport. I enjoy doing what I do, but it can get frustrating at times.