Washington University in St Louis Top Questions

Describe the students at Washington University in St Louis.


These groups are all great. A really conservative student would feel out of place at Wash U. Most students wear relaxed, comfortable clothing to class. Different types of student interact, although there isn't that much diversity on campus. Many Wash U students are from the Northeast, Chicago, and L.A. Most are rich. Some are politically aware/active, while others couldn't care less. Most students are too the left. Most students, other than business students, don't talk about potential salaries.


No experiences with these groups whatsoever. A racist who was also a strict conservative republican would have to go into hiding. Most students wear jeans, but now the girls are wearing tights all the time, what a mishap. Different types of students do interact. Table 1: Super preppies with their collars popped. Table 2: Girls from NYC with black hair and big noses talking loudly. Table 3: Athletes. Table 4: The rest. Most students are from New England. Financial background is predominantly wealthy upper class. Students are politically active/aware. I'd say majority of students are left of center. Students often talk about earnings, especially in the Business school, which is sad, because life isn't about paychecks.


Not the best but not bad Someone who doesn't want to make friends Tights and Uggs Not purposefully Sorority girls, black people, freshman floor, atheletes The Midwest Upper-Class Not very Left Not sure


So chill. The only thing is, too much division along racial lines - I notice it even though I'm not part of this division.


WashU is very open and liberal and tolerant of different people. this is a rule. of course unfortunately, there are some individuals who don't like certain groups but that's not open and blatant. truth is, you can't change what people think you can only penalize them for acting discriminately towards them. i think WashU can improve a whole lot especially with racial profiling of black students. i heard some police officers even approach them and harass them. i've never seen it happen though but just thinking about that is so sad. most kids here are rich and white. many are Jews. politically we're mostly democrat and liberal but there is a very big portion of conservative republicans. the kids here are very socially aware. there are ALWAYS petitions or rallies about this project or that cause. the students are involved in so many community service or political or environmental or civic justices causes its great!


Students wear alot of clothes with the names of "other, better colleges and universities." Different types of students interact, and students are from all over the country as well as from other nations. Most students are from a wealthy background. Most are politically aware. I have heard alot of people talk about what they will earn "one day."


I think that a lot of students at WashU are overly concerned about their futures, and they are only taking courses that they think will help them succeed in the future. This bothers me because it is a liberal arts school for the purpose of exposing students to lots of different subjects. The purpose of the school is not necessarily to prepare you to be on the track for a specific lucrative job.


There are over 290 groups on campus so there is something for everyone. Most of my experiences with various groups have been very positive as I've learned so much from a different perspective. I don't think any student would feel out of place at Wash. U. because people come from so many places and from so many different backgrounds. I see a lot of North Face on campus as well as Wash. U. apparel. Jeans and shirts seem to be the order of the day. Some students are very open minded and mingle with other groups freely. Others are more close minded and will stick with people like them. It all depends. Many Wash. U. students are from the Chicago and New York area. A lot of the students would be from upper middle class or rich backgrounds. Students are politically aware and somewhat active. Former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales spoke on campus while Chelsea Clinton made an appearance at our nearby coffee place. Lots of students went to Barack Obama's rally. We're a pretty Democratic leaning campus. There are few Republicans.


The students at WashU are great. While I would argue there is probably a lack of socioeconomic diversity, there is certainly diversity in interests and opinions. For example, Alberto Gonzales was brought to campus and students quickly rallied both in support and in protest of his politics-- students at WashU are not afraid to get involved in causes or say what they mean. There is a huge variety of student organizations you can get involved in on campus ranging from greek life to community service to politics to environmentalism. Students on campus tend to be predominantly to the left, huge support of Barack Obama currently. Everyone on campus is really friendly and basically anyone you know will say hi to you on campus or give you a hug.


Four tables: Involved kids:Student Union, school newspaper, non-traditional fraternity types, RA's, Black Students Association, Indian kids (Divali) Morgan Street regulars: popular downtown bar frequented by those who like to have fun (25 percent of the population). Largely Greek, athlete, affluent. Randos: completely random kids who do not partake in any school activities. Often Asians who stick with one another. Art-school: Hipsters, electics, drug users, occasional crossover with Morgan street crowd.