Washington University in St Louis Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Washington University in St Louis?


Most people think that Wash U is full of really nerdy people who only like to study all the time. People think that Wash U girls (and guys) are ugly. Wash U is not diverse.


Other parts of the country havent heard of us! So hard to have stereotypes.


Not very well known, but gaining in reputation - if you know it, you realize its a top school in its class.


WashU students are known to be really smart, especially in the math and sciences, but a little nerdy. We also have a stereotype of having a lot of Asian students.


Lots of rich, east-coast jews


We all stay inside the WashU bubble, and have no idea that there are social problems in St. Louis (like being No. 2 nationally in per capita violent crimes). We are all rich, come from comfortable suburban neighborhoods, and own our own cars. The girls wear Ugg boots, the boys wear collared shirts, and our sweatshirts cost more than 50 dollars because we can all afford it anyway. We will get our dream jobs making tons of money because all we care about is ourselves.


1. all Jews 2. smart/rich pretentious students 3. everyone is pre-med


Haha everyone thinks we are smart nerdy kids. Most schools think we have a fairly unattractive population.


Ivy League rejects Friendly Not prom king or prom queen, but best friend of the king or queen slightly awkward pretty geeky


Many people say that Wash U students are Jewish, white kids primarily from New York and Washington, D.C. Many people also have the stereotype that Wash U kids are self-absorbed, arrogant students.