Washington University in St Louis Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Washington University in St Louis?


Kids who want to challenge themselves and are not afraid to work hard come here.


Someone who is academically motivated and wants to be challenged in their schoolwork while still having a social life.


Someone who is very driven academically and can handle a lot of responsibility while still able to have a good time.


Liberal, intellectual but not boring. Passionate about something (anything!).


Someone who is smart, outgoing, and well rounded


A smart and motivated individual who is well-rounded and can study and party.


Smart, academically motivated, socially motivated


Students who are interested in taking on a heavy workload in order to pursue top positions in their fields. Students should be preparing to continue education in high-ranked graduate schools and should be willing to devote themselves to studying. Most of the campus is very liberal and involved in social programs for change. There is also i high Jewish population, but race is not an issue on campus. Students should be self-motivated and have multiple academic interests.


All kinds. This school is fantastic because there is a diverse student body even though it is quite small.


A majority of WashU students are stereotypes, so if you are Jappy, a big midwesterner, a jock, a nerd,a druggie, a party girl, you should go here.