Washington University in St Louis Top Questions

What should every freshman at Washington University in St Louis know before they start?


I've learned to push my limits. As an architecture major, we are known to have absolutely no lives beyond our little nooks known as our studio. Our schedules are preplanned for the following 3 years and its more than difficult even finishing the major. However, I've always been interested in Supply chain management and logistics, and wish to explore how I can incorporate the study of shipment and movement into the into the study of building and desiging. Living in a society where green architecture and sustainability is coveted, I believe that by minimizing transportation of supplies and optimizing locality can further open the realm of sustainable arhchitecture. Trying to fit two different major requirements into 4 years of study hasn't been easy, yet with the support of others and the motivation of wanting to explore an area of study that is relatively unknown, I learn everyday that sometimes all it takes is a little strength and stuborness.


I am from a rural area and as a result have not had much world experience. Attending a world-class university has opened up a whole new range of networking and academic possibilities. It has challenged me academically, personally, and socially, and I believe I am becoming a better and more globally aware person as a result.


In addition to all the liberal arts skills I have learned, such as grammar, math, and art appreciation, my college experience has taught me indepence and the value of a budget. It has taught me how to critque and analyze intelligently. I have learned to research extensively before jumping into anything that sounds good. I now know how to apply for a job, approach an interview, and conduct myself in a professional manner. Nothing in life is easy, but with a lot of hard work, no goal in life is unattainable.


The experience I have gotten out of college is one I will always remember. Being the first in my family to attend college, my experience is valuable because I know with my degree I can be successful. After graduating with my Associates of Arts in August 2010, I have transferred to a four-year university to earn a Bachelor's degree. I know I am able to get a job at a successful company after graduation in June 2012. I have received the experience of meeting people and making new friends while attending school. I also have had the opportunity to get experience with the industry I want to have a career in, fashion. It is valuable to me to attend college, because without it I would not be able to have the same opportunities and experiences if I had not attended. I am able to take my experience at college and use it with the career I pursue upon graduation.


Perhaps this is generic, but since I've been in college, I've realized that I'm no longer 'that' girl who's on top of her class. In college, everyone is phenomenal in not only academia but athletics, music, and performance. I've learned that college is a lot tougher than high school, and it's definitely not as easy to get that A. So i've taken a step and said to myself, "don't let not getting an A tear you down, you're in college, it's tough, but as long as you're doing the best you can, you're doing a great job." I am not nearly as grade-oreinted as I was before, I've gotten to take that breather and realize that grades aren't everything. It's the social aspect, it's the knowledge you actually LEARN and not memorize before a test, and it's the fact that I can love myself without basing my wroth on a simple letter on the transcript.


I learned that there are so many different kinds of people who attend college. Although they have various personality, they are all smart and deserve to get into Washington University in St. Louis.


I am here to push myself out of my comfort zone. And yeah, till now, i made it well.


I was recently discussing this very question with a good friend of mine, and found that what I have gotten out of my experience here at WashU has not been primarily academic. Since coming to this school, I have met and fostered relationships with a number of different people who have been instrumental in my life. I can honestly say that I would not be the person I am today if I had not come to this school, if only because of the people I have met and the experiences I have shared. I have grown deeply in my faith and my desire to help make this world a better place, and I have discovered many things about myself that I never even considered before. I know that I have formed lasting relationships with people not only on this campus but in the surrounding community as well, and I hope that we will continue to support each other in our endeavors to gain a deeper understanding of the world long after we graduate. While I continue to learn from the best and expand my academic knowledge, I believe my experience at WashU has been more than just a career path.


High school and college is completely different, college has taught me that it is a faster pace and that very few care about the indiviuals. success. I am not saying that is a bad thing but good. It has given me more of a drive to succeed in my career choice.


Out of my college experience thus far, I've learned more than anything else, what it means to really work independently. I've had to learn, as is expected, how to balance an immense amount of class work with the desire to make friends and be social unlike I've ever had to do before. My friends here and I always discuss how it's difficult to manage that, unlike High School, home and school are no longer separate. But, in order to be happy, I've learned to take everything in stride, get ahead, and, along with spending time with my friends, make time for myself. These skills are going to be so valuable in any job I hold in the future because, like school here, work will most likely follow me home and I will need to know how to balance my life and my job.