I would tell parents to help their child make a list of schools that may meet their needs. Visit as many as possible together and then have a separate weekend visit for the student to meet and interact with the students, visit classes and talk with professors. Have a list that includes academically safe schools and stretch schools as well as suburban and rural schools. Include small universities and colleges as well as larger institutes. Most high school students really are unsure about what they want in a school and need to explore many before making their decision. Parents should be supportive of their childs decision.
Once the student is at his/her school, it is their responsibility to branch out and make friends, decide how to get involved in the school and to be able to juggle rigorous academics with outside activities, keeping the goal of doing well and successfully graduating always a part of college life.
Focus on the feeling of the community and campus. If the student body is friendly and open-minded, it is almost assured that your college experience will be enjoyable. If you have to drop down a few steps on the US News and World Report list for a better environment, do it. Do not lose sight of the fact that this is 4 years of your young life. This is a time when life long friendships and memories are made. But just as importantly, friends are integral to your success at college. Friends can help you with homework or give you support when you need it most. A campus that has a more welcoming feeling will make it easier to go out and make friends with those around you. So don't just look at the numbers of each school. Go visit and immerse yourself in the student body to get a real feeling of it. That is how you'll find the right school.
The advice I would give is definitely go and visit the schools, narrow them down and make sure you choose the one you will be most comfortable at. There is always something to do on campus where you will fit in you just can't be scared to try something new and meet new people. Don't always believe the tour guides, it's best to do an over night visit with a student to get the real feel of the campus. If you're accepted to a school always ask them for more financial aid regardless of how much they give you originally, sometimes they can spare a little extra financial aid. College is a time when you can take any classes you want to so don't be afraid to take some classes that interest you but don't fit into your major. Don't always take the easy classes sometimes the challenging classes are more rewarding regardless of the grade you recieve.
The most important component of the college search process is honesty. Be honest with yourself, and with your parents, about what you want to find in a school. It is a really cool choice, when you think about it, getting to choose the environment which will mold and shape you for the next four years of your life. This decision is not just about where you want to go, but about who you are and who you would like to become.
I crunched numbers and compared statistics, but when it came down to it, I made my decision based on a feeling in my gut. I went where it felt right. Spend time contemplating what you need, not only logistically, but the way you need a place to feel so that you will come to call it "home." If you are honest with yourself and with your parents, have faith that the right place will find you. In a year, it will not matter so much where you are, but the things you will have learned and the friends you will have made will make all the difference.
In order to find the right college, it's important to figure out your priorities in a school, whether it is academics, interesting location, sports, or night life, as those really differentiate between schools and help students to be satisfied with their choice. In addition, it's really important to visit a campus and see if you can fit in at the school. While this may seem really basic, one of the most important benefits of visiting a campus is noticing the vibe of the school. For instance, my school is open-minded, academic, and involved. Many of the students are very passionate about their campus activities and schoolwork and it shows through the enthusiasm that they bring to the campus, which is something that won me over to my college. Finally, in order to make the most of the college experience, realize that college is a time for you to discover who you are, not just a stepping stone to a career. Even if you're certain of your career path, take a few diverse classes and explore your interests. You might be surprised at just what you discover.
Find a place that fits you. I chose a school that fits my interests both socially and academically and I am very happy where I am.
There is not one college that will be perfect. Anyone can find friends anywhere who have similar interests and goals even if they are very different in other ways. Do not worry about the "right" school because it does not exist. Just find a place that you feel good about and do not worry about what your life will be like there. Go in with a positive attitude to make the most of it and you will.
When you visit a university, look around you. Asses how happy the students there are. Speak with enrolled students and ask about their academic and social lives, ask how they balance the two. Ask how much pressure they feel on average, how often they sleep. Can you handle the lifestyle they lead? Survey to see what the norm is. Most importantly, trust your instincts and your experience. Just because a brochure is telling you that one school may be better than another doesn?t mean the students there are any happier. Getting a university degree is very important, and it is important to feel like one fits and is accepted into the culture of the university they choose. You will be spending a lot of time, and expending a lot of energy at this school. You will come out of the experience a changed person. Look at the enrolled students, do you want to be like them? Do they inspire you? Going to the university means you are going to school to learn how to learn. Be motivated to seek out a challenging, interesting experience. Do not be afraid of change. Learn how to be your own inspiration. Trust yourself.
Research. Experience. Gut.
These are the three most important things in choosing a college that you will love. Use online resources or mailings that come from colleges to try to narrow down the schools you think would best fit your needs. Are you an athlete? Scientist? Political Activist? Check for varsity sports, research opportunites, and the political climate of the school. You can't do everything from home though. Once you have selected your few top choices, get out there and check out the schools. Talk to financial aid advisors, look through the campus housing, and of course taste the food. Once you are at the school, try to imagine yourself as a student. Then trust yourself. If you just don't think you could deal with co-ed dormatories or a small school, then keep looking. There is a match for everyone, and finding the right school will determine the next four years of your life. Don't worry though, it's really not as stressfull as it seems. Once you get to college you will forget the worries you put into the application because you are so interested in your classes and the new people you have met.
Students in order to find the right college you should first examine yourself and decide whether you want to learn in order to have a career or if you want to learn to learn. Next visit your colleges of choice , staying in a dorm overnight if possible, and determine the atmosphere on campus. Finally apply for all scholarships that you might qualify for in order to receive the best possible financial aid. When acceptance letters come in give a little more weight to your personal preference than the cost of the institution.