Make sure its some place where you can really find and learn things about yourself BY YOURSELF.
This decision is all about you. You have to find a place that fits you. Don't go somewhere becuase you think it will get you further in life. If you are persuing what you want to be doing in a place that you love, you will be happy. Also, don't underestimate the importance of the community. You will be living there for quite some time and it needs to be a place where you are comfortable. You need to visit where you think you want to go; it really helps you figure out what will and won't work for you.
When looking into colleges the student will need a lot of help from friends and family, so parents, do your job. You have helped you student to well this far; do not let them face this challenge on their own. Help them find the right school. A school they will be comfortable in. Ask them questions regarding their academic goals, their need for social stimulation, and their regional preference. All of these will help determine the type of college that should be explored. Visit every college you apply to and do so early, if possible. No visit is a waste, even if the student decides not to apply there. Make sure, especially if your child does not have a good college counselor, that you know what to expect in the application process. Do some research early on so you can give your child a head start. Do not underestimate the benefits of planning ahead. Students, work with your parents and be open to receive any help offered. College is daunting and the application process can be greatly simplified with proper knowledge and helpful advice. In the end, don't stress. You ARE prepared. Let the chips fall where they may.
Finding the right college is a tough decision, but you have to go with how YOU feel about it, not what other students or teachers or even your parents are saying about the school. The college that you pick is the college that will be your home for four years so it's important that not only do you feel comfortable at the school, but also that you can picture yourself there in four years. You should first decide what size school you want to go to and take location into account (rural vs. urban, etc). Visiting schools and taking campus tours, reading campus newspapers, and asking the students how they feel about their school also helps you compare schools and decide on one that suits you best. After you have picked your school and hopefully gotten accepted into it, there are so many fun and academic opportunities offered during your college experience. My best advice would be to join groups you find interesting, attend plays and forums offered by the school, and maybe even go out for a sorority or fraternity. There are countless ways you can make the most of your experience, you just have to be outgoing!
My advice for parents and students would be to visit as many colleges adn universities as possible. There are a lot of schools that may look perfect on paper but remember that if you're reading pamphlets you're reading something these schools have paid a lot of money for, and they're designed to make you think it's the perfect school. What matters though is whether you're going to be happy for those four years. The best way to know that is to visit as many schools as possible and then sit down and think about what's important to you. If you're like me, the answer will become painfully obvious. I had visited a lot of schools and was thinking hard about what I was looking for and then on a whim my mom and I visited this school and I just knew it was the one for me. If you can make a decision like that, you'll be happy no matter where you are. You get out of an education exactly what you put into it. So find a place where you'll be happy to put everything into it.
It is extremely important for you to keep an open mind and to visit colleges before making a choice. It's very difficult to explain every aspect of a university on paper. Only by spending the night in a dorm with a current student can you really understand what it will be like to attend that school. When I visited my university, I stayed with a current student, I ate in the dining hall, and I even attended a class. Before visiting I had no idea that I would love it so much. Many schools have special weekends for students to visit at a low price or even for free. Even if you are not sure you would like to attend the college, if such an opportunity comes up, you should go ahead and visit. You might be surprised and find it's the perfect fit for you, and if it's not, at least you can be sure you're making the right choice when you cross it off your list.
Don't worry about finding the one perfect school for you: there is more than one school where you'll be delirously happy.
visit the school and talk to the people that attend it.
Selecting the best college for you is a process. This process will vary depending on what matters to you, so the first thing to do is define what that is. Ask some of the following questions: Do I care about the reputation of the school? Do I care about athletics? Do I care about financial aid and, if so, what kind of aid am I looking for? Does it need to be close to where I live? Is there a good program in the area of study I intend to major in? What kind of social life am I expecting?
With answers to these, and possibly many more, questions in mind, set aside a vacation to visit as many schools as you care to see in person. This is critical, as many individuals make a final decision based on their "feel" for a particular school they went to see. Apply to as many schools you think you would be happy enrolling in. Assuming you do enroll, start off with a wide range of courses, as your major could easily change. In addition, get involved right away; your social life will expand rapidly with each group of interest that you join.
choose one that you will give you the opportunity to succeed at.