Wayne State College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wayne State College know before they start?


My high school was an alternative school that was located at a local zoo, that had block scheduling, so when I came to college not much was a shock to me when it came to schedules, teachers speaking freely, and being able to go to the bathroom without raising my hand. I was however taken a back by the social aspect of college. So if I could tell my high school self something it would be to become more involved with a variety of groups, clubs, and activities. In college you can learn a lot in class, true, but sometimes you learn more important things by being around people in fields much like your own, or totally opposite. It could be a club, sport, study group, or something field related. Having an extracurricular activity on a college campus is basically a life support when you first come here. Being a little shy to enter anything at first, made my transition a little difficult, and that?s why I wish I would have been involved more my senior year in high school so I could quickly join something in college that I was interested in .


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior I would tell myself that when the teachers tell you in college you can't go without studying for tests and expect to pass, they're telling you the truth. In college tests are a majority of yore grade and there are not as much homework assignments given to give you those extra points. I would tell myself that teachers know that they're talking about when they say that college is not going to be the same as high school, you really will be on your own and the teachers don?t put up with and excuses. Saying that your dog ate your homework won?t work anymore, if you miss an assignment there are no make ups and late work is very rarely accepted. As far making the transition I would tell myself that at first it?s going to be hard being away from home but it?s the best thing for me in order to grow up and it?s the best thing I would ever experience.


With this ability I'd have to say that i'd be most inclined to tell myself that college isn't something to fear, but embrace. Though there are difficulties there are also unbelieveable joys that are life changing. Within all of these experiences are learning opportunities that you must take advantage of, never sit back and wonder, get involved and learn.


Develop better study habbits and apply myself more and apply for more scholarships.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself about all of the ways that life changes when you go to college I would. I would have to tell myself to be as logical, patient and open minded. Logical because making decisions out of pure emotion can be ,well, a bad idea. take sometime befoer making the decision. Make a list if you have to! Patient because in college you typically share many things i.e. bathrooms, common areas, bedrooms, etc. Not everyone does things the way that you like them to or as efficiantly as you. Open minded because in school you meet a lot of different types of people from all over the country and world. You may find yourself surrounded by people whom you never anticipated being friends with. Be open minded to new customs, languages and lifestyles. All in all, make sure that whatever path you choose that it the right one for YOU.


I would tell myself to relax and always go with the flow, everything will work out. I would also tell myself to study, and stay on top of things. Studying and working out could possibly be the key factors in getting through college, so do both. It will all be fine and you'll fit in fine.


I would have taken more advanced classes then what I did. It would have helped my transitionnto upper college classes much easier.


I would tell myself not to worry so much about meeting friends and my classes. Professors will work with you to help you. Also I would get involved in as many things as possible right away. This is the way you meet people.


The most important thing would be "Don't be a hermit!" Go to all of the activities the school puts on and make friends. It sounds easier than it is but they're all in the same position as you are so whats stopping you. Follow you heart and do things that you enjoy. The classes are fun and exciting and you'll really love the school if you make an effort to be a part of it.


Pick how far you want to go away form home, and look at the schools in that area. Once you narrow down your chosies, look at which school looks to be the right for you. Visit the campuses and get a feel for the schools. Once you start school, make many new friends, even if you have a lot of old friends at the sames school. You learn that with the new friends, you can be some one that you arn't able to with the friends from high school. Let college be a place to reivent yourself to the image you want and not what some one made you be in high school.