Wellesley College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Wellesley College accurate?


No. No no no, a thousand times no. Yes, there are some party girls (but there are some at every college). Yes, there are a few people who'd really like to find a husband (but there are some at every college). Yes, some of us are too focused on our studies to have time for guys (but there are some girls like that at every college). And yes, there are some lesbians (but there are DEFINITELY some at every college, and if you think that there aren't, you really don't know what you're talking about). But for the most part, Wellesley women are are creative and compassionate and hard-working and determined and independent and ambitious and talented and funny and eloquent and basically wonderful. No, not everyone is like that. (And even though there are some people who fit the above stereotypes, they are also wonderful, smart people.) But that's the average Wellesley woman: she works like crazy during the week, and on the weekends, sometimes she goes to parties, and sometimes she hangs out with her friends, and that's basically it.


As with most stereotypes there is some accuracy but a lot of myth. There is a vocal LGBT community on campus and the students are, for the most part, gay friendly. However, there are far more girls in pearls and pumps than in baggy jeans and chains. As far as an obsession with men that stems from being in an all-girls environment 24-7, this stereotype is also only partially accurate. There certainly is a large sector of the student population that spends a large amount of time off campus- namely in places frequented by men. It seems that almost every student here either has a boyfriend or recently broke up with one. But there are also plenty of students who are far more intent on getting good grades than partying it up.


There are really all types here, from conservative Christians, to prep school plaid wearing girls, to hippies that don't shower, to athletes, and Shakespeare experts. The stereotypes are not totally true, but of course there is a little bit of truth to each. The one thing that all Wellesley women have in common is that everyone here is smart and wants to receive a top notch education.


Hardly. Sure some of us are outspoken, and sure there are lesbians on campus, but it is far from on all lesbian's college. As for the men issue- many have boyfriends already. There are times when single women long for that special someone, but rest assured, the next day they are too caught up in their work to remember.


Of course, everyone at Wellesley is smart. Combine the smartest girls from every high school into one class and you, inevitably, have a fair amount of women who raise their hand high and often. With the exception of finals period, although I cannot speak for everyone, bras are worn with vigor and regularity. Wellesley women are all passionate about something, be it saving Darfur, playing rugby, or organizing student government. The number of lesbians and bisexuals at our women's campus is comparable to any other college. If it seems as if there are more, it is only because they are given the space to be open about it.


Though we do have a lot of students from the gay community, no one cares and everyone is accepted for exactly who they are at Wellesley. Your sexual orientation has absolutely no basis in people's perceptions of you. And, sorry gentlemen, but we are not like bloodhounds on the hunt when you come on campus. Though it is a rare sight to see men at our women's college, it is not viewed as a time to grab men before someone else does. Honestly, we aren't desperate because men come to us. Though we have a large asian population, we are a very diverse campus with women from around the world. It is not uncommon to be in the dining hall where one table is speaking French, and a seperate table discusses topic in Italian. While we do attend a fierce intellectual school, we go out on the town (aka Boston) all of the time and have events on campus weekly.


some of them, the competitiveness is definitely


While many at Wellesley are really ambitious, most aren't really cut-throat about it, there are still plenty of slackers here! The lesbian community is actually very small, all though it does have a big presence on campus. And yes, most women here really will sleep with any guy they meet.