Wells College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Wells College know before they start?


Talking to a myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself not to be in such a rush to go to college. Don't go because you're expected to go. Don't go because your family tells you to go. Don't go because you don't know what else you can do. College is about setting yourself up for the rest of your life. If you don't know, take time and figure out what it is you want to do. Take a year and travel. Take a year and volunteer. Take a year and get a job. Once you know what it is that makes you happiest in life, then go to college and learn your profession. This is, so far, the most important decision you will make. It is also the most expensive decision you will make. You shouldn't make it in haste over a summer. You shouldn't make it in haste after being undecided for a year already. You should be passionate about whatever you do. Take the time and figure out what that passion is. College can help you turn that passion into a long and satisfying life.


I would tell myself to take advantage of every opportunity given to me. I don't regret anything about my choice of college, but I do wish that I had searched more for scholarship opportunities and ways to lessen the cost of my attendance at Wells. I would tell myself to go after everything. I knew that I wanted to concentrate in English, but I didn't realize that my interest in Theatre would also bloom. I wish I had done more in high school, to really have a full resume. And I would also tell my high school self to not worry. That I will make it through. That I'll find a great group of people who will teach me so many new things about social relations and how to live by respecting other people. That I don't need to fret about not seeing my high school friends for months because when we get back together over breaks it'll be like no time has passed. And I think that with all of this advice, I would have an even better freshman year.


The advice I would tell myself is to stay true to yourself and use the resources on campus. You do not have to change who you are to fit in and accept who you are. It is okay to make mistakes because you will alot from them and grow as a person.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to stop worrying! It seems like a huge decision (and it is) but its not the end of the world! I would tell myself that whatever decision I make, I need to make it for myself and it will be the right decision. I would say to myself, "do not let anyone else have a major influence on your decision. And even if it doesn't work out, you can always transfer; thats not the end of the world." I would make sure I enjoyed my last moments as a high school student and get excited for my future! No matter what happens, everything will be alright.


Read more... and apply for more scholarships! Seriously, this place is great, but it's private, so it's expensive. But you should've brushed up on more political information (it's election season and you're a minority in your views here), before you came here, considering you, who is me, suck at arguing. I'm improving greatly, however! Also, don't sweat the transition, it went pretty smoothly. There's really no way to prepare for college other than taking the beginners classes and easing your way into the fray. It's not as scary as you thought it was. It's also not as relaxed. You're working your butt off, but it's so fun that you don't exactly realize it. So, don't worry, just do everything to the best of your ability, make friends with just about everyone you meet (they're awesome) and just deal with things as they come.... And don't forget to manage your schedule through the 'stickies' or 'notes' application. It's currently saving my life.


I would tell myself to study harder and appreciate it. I would also tell myself to save money, get a good job and stick with it until you have to move to school, and to get a solid job in the town of the school you are going to. Pick good roommates and the right number. Things get messy with five people in a house. Scholarships are number one priority when not having much money, so get all the help you can. The last thing i would tell myself as a high school senior is that in college you have freedom. Do not abuse it and stick to your moral guidelines and Christ. This will help stress and worries.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told myself to become more involved in the community. I had always wanted to join clubs and organizations, but was always too shy. I told myself I would join clubs in college and now I am fortunate enough to be the president of the CSAB, which is the Community Service and Activism Board (Community Service Club). We attempt to make not only the Wells College community a better environment, but the surrounding communities as well. I wish I had joined more clubs in high school that are similar to this one. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, empowerment, and fulfillment. I love the feeling of making a difference and I wish I had tried to make a bigger difference in high school by means of more volunteer work and community service.


If I were to go back to high school and give myself advice, I would tell myself that I need to worry less about making the "right" decision, whether it involve which college to go to, where to live etc. First of all, there are rarely any absolute "right" and "wrong" choices, especially when one is considering their future. Every opportunity is unique and at least somewhat dependent on what the person make of it. What's more, in most cases one can't know the full extent of the decision they make. For example, while attending a school like Wells was a risk because it was small and very liberal-minded, I also learned how to socialize intimately with others and accept myself at the individual level. Going to a larger school may have led me to a different kind of personal growth but I can never know for sure. Overall then, I would just advise that instead of deeming certain choices "right" or "wrong", I remain open minded about the many doors open to me regardless of which initial choice I make.


Do not try to overwork yourself. It is okay that you do not known what to major in, try everything.


I would tell myself to just be open and honest with who I am. One of the hardest things to get a grip of when coming to college, at least where I decided to go, is that we all have bagage and no one is going to hate you for that. Too many people stuggle getting invoulved and participate in things going on around campus because they simply don't think they belong or that others don't like them. Just be yourself and you will be able to do what ever you want in college, without any added stress.