Wells College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Wells College?


The dining hall I would suppose. I enjoy eating and try my best to eat healthily, however it can be pretty hard at Wells. It is also hard to maintain a vegetarian lifestyle on this campus.


There is not much to do in Aurora or the surrounding areas. We usually have to drive to Auburn or Ithaca to go shopping, which is a half hour trip at the least and becoming more and more expensive due to the price of gas. Because of this, students sometimes have to rely on the local market which has much higher prices. It is just a hassle, especially if you don't have a car.


Many of the classes that are needed to fulfill one's major conflict with the classes required to graduate the college. It is not uncommon to have to cram the classes you want for your major into the last two years of the college.


The most frustating thing is the location, as it can make it hard to get to places or get items you need as a student. There are shuttles that run to Ithaca, a close city (about 40min away), however the shuttle times aren't always the most convienient. This also causes students to not be able to do things most other college students can easily do or have within walking distance such as restaurants, movie theatres, bowling alleys etc.


Lack of transparency regarding the actions of the administration/board of trustees.