Wesleyan University Top Questions

Describe the students at Wesleyan University.


There is just about every type of person there


I think I like Wesleyan's Student Body. I wish some people weren't so ignorant about the world or about what it's like to be poor. I also REALLY WISH people were accepting and respectful of others' religious beliefs. I feel like people are outwardly cutting down those who are religious or believe in God--saying they are stupid or terrible people. I feel like they are so ignorant and skewed in their thinking--to believe that someone is terrible or weird if they follow a religion. I hate that people are just SO VOCAL about randomly cutting down religions---it's hurtful. Also--smoking cigarettes is SO DUMB


There is a lot of racial separation at Wes, even in housing. We are all far-left liberals, and those who are not are not generally too vocal about it. If you're socially conservative, you're not really welcome at Wes.


i do believe wesleyan is diverse because everyone is so unique and has different backgrounds and stories to share with others. many people immediately think of nationalities and skin colors or ethnicities when it comes to diversity but there is more to wes students. there have been kids who were all over the world and never been in one place but then there are kids who grew up in the same rural town for the past 18 years or so etc. some volunteered in places you only see on a map and some started participating in activism after they learned what that meant at wes. there is more about the students and what they can bring together as a student body than just their skin colors.


good people. good people. they like to dance -- a lot. Even when its completely inappropriate, like at a slow blues concert. all kinds of people, who "identify" in a variety of strange ways. wesleyan puts a lot of emphasis on students being able to "identify" however they want, in terms of gender or race or religion or whatever. frankly, i wish people would spend more effort understanding how shallow these kinds of identities are as a means of loving yourself instead of doing the opposite, but whatever. im just saying that at a certain point, its nice to know that theres more to who you are as a human being than just the sum of "identities" that your college has allowed you to label yourself with. but i digress. really, the diversity that this school policy leads to is more of a blessing than a curse.


oh, prospective freshperson, you'll get it all if you want to, and some even if you don't want to. It's like we all one big family with a need for identity recognition (see "stereotypes" response for qualifier: there're plenty of less visible who don't participate in identity groups) What do students wear to class? you're really asking me that. WTF do I care? Unless it's some smoky-hot girl. Then maybe I care. I rock Unionbat cargoes, t-shirt, and a hoody; flip-flops or sneakers. That's the first time I've talked about clothes online. tuition is around $45,000 per year. There're a range of incomes represented, but, for real, there's gotta be an upward skew there.


I love most of my fellow students. Such an interesting array of people, with all sorts of different viewpoints, who always have something to talk about. While the campus is mostly liberal, it isn't purely liberal, and there are people from all over the spectrum. However, I know about 2 conservatives on campus, and they frequently feel victimized. Not surprising. I've never had trouble finding interesting people to talk to, and so many people are willing to talk to fellow students about whatever. Very intellectually stimulating, but also really fun.


Students at Wesleyan are RADICAL! If you are a religious person (and you want to stay that way) stay FAR from Wesleyan; you WILL lose your faith. Students really come from all socio-economic backgrounds. However a good portion of the student body comes from an upper middle class background. While the colleges LOVES to tout that 33{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body consists of "students of color" this number is skewed. In reality more than half of those students of color are Asian. The different kinds of students definitely interact. Students are EXTREMELY politically active. On Super Tuesday this 2008, you couldn't go anywhere without hearing about the primaries or without being encouraged to vote.


Amazing. Predominantly left and center, but of course there are those ranging to the right. I feel that, as a whole, individual religious/political views are well respected even though the campus as a whole leans left. And honestly, having a diversity of views is appreciated: Wesleyan students love to discuss and debate in the appropriate setting.


Very smart, very well dressed, friendly and easy to talk to. Everyone has a geeky side and a sincere intellectual passion. There are definitely cliques. Individuals typically can and will talk to anyone, but people can get catty about hipsters, stoners, and jocks as categorical descriptions. Many students are from the East Coast, New York and Cali. Most are fairly wealthy, mostly white, though there is more diversity than many small, expensive colleges. Most students have at least one or two political issues about which they're well-informed and active. Very queer-friendly. I've seen very little religious community outside of Buddhist House, but I haven't been looking. Students have a wide range of lifestyles, most people will probably find some niche. General negative senitments toward investment banking and ill-defined "bureaocracies" so if you want to work for the Man, keep it quiet while you're here.