Yes and no. There is a lot of political homogeneity, but there are some disenting voices. People are to the left for sure, but pretty clever. A lot of different types of students so most people will find something that interests them.
Not necessarily, there's a variety of personalities. Although I'd imagine hippies represent a higher percentage of the population at Wesleyan then they do in the real world.
We have writers, homosexuals, and artists but it's not so cut and dry.
In a sense they are fairly accurate. The school is very liberal and many of the students are. However, like any school it is very easy to find a niche. The school is very diverse and not only racially. There are many like minded kids but there are also many other kids who don't quite fit the Wesleyan stereotype.
Most Wes students will tell you that they adore Wes, and that they love it because of the student body. Wes kids are involved in a million projects and yes, have their idiosyncracies. It's a diverse campus which is home to many disparate groups of students, from hipsters, to hippies, to athletes, to artists, to musicians, to fraternity brothers, from American students to African, Phillipino, Indian, British, and South American students, just to name a few. The students at Wes are, for the most part, aiming to save the world, or at least make a tremendous impact upon it. The greatest number of Wes seniors are hired by JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, The Peace Corps and Teach for America. The academics at Wesleyan are rigorous, but competitive only amongst those acruing pre-med requirements. Among students majoring in the humanities, intellectual conversations are far more frequent than discussions about grades and achievement.
Wes is the most diverse place I have ever EVER been. We have a little bit of everything, and the best part is--nobody cares! Plenty of people shower, most people don't actually have dreads, there is nothing wrong with American Apparel and unisex pants, sometimes a good protest is a good time, and there is nothing better than supporting your friends at whatever they do, from athletic events (because, yes, we have athletes), to dance productions, to art shows, to concerts. No matter who you like to surround yourself with, you will find those people, as well as have your entire image on the world opened up by spending time with people unlike those you have ever met before.
1. Definitely! While "body drugs" like coke are in relative wide usage, more of the student body is into trying out new things to expands their heads, from pot on up to Leary-esque questing after psychedelic truth
2. Not quite...students are generally lefty, and political debate is lively and progressively slanted on the campus, but I'd say that relative few students are truly engaged in national political issues, Washington often seeming too fascist and conservative to be saved by or even to listen to the kind of political ideas widely accepted by Wes studemts.
3. Yes, no doubt if you come to Wes you will definitely come to ask probing questions about your sexual identity and broad sexual norms, whether you ever do anything about it or not,
4. YES! The art-making in all fields (except maybe theater) is rarely too far behind the NYC and international cutting edge. The best liberal arts college bar none to study contemporary artistic practices.
5. Hippies not so much. Hipsters...quite a few, but they restrict themselves to a tight knit community around the eclectic house.
6.Yes, for the most part.
7. Only if you consider the vocal expressio of our rejection of mainstream American values and norms to be whining.
somewhat. but i found a lot more apathetic and fashionable people here...like a lot of people care more about having their skinny jeans be from the right store than Darfur, you know?
to an extent. While students are predominantly politically liberal, they tend to be very open minded and logical about their political beliefs, therefore, while the campus is very liberal, it is by no means an unwelcome place for a political or social conservative. There is fairly widespread recreational drug use. The student body is by no means wealthy or pretentious. Wesleyan is very generous with their financial aid, as well as outreach to many culturally, geographically, and economically diverse communities. As a result the student body is diverse in many ways, particularly economically.
To some extent. BUT you can find conservatives and I know a lot of people who have never even tried pot before.