Wesleyan University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


There are an abundance of athletic club opportunities, political opportunities, social action opportunities and so on... Things I have been a part of... ASHA - aids and sexual health awareness (this group is dedicated to providing sex ed to middle and high school students in the area as well as on campus - they host fair, benefits and offer several teachings) MINDS - Mental Illness and Neurological Disorders (this organization is dedicated to providing and promoting mental health care in rural India) Roosevelt Institute - Student run think tank (progressive think tank that discusses and hypothesizes about policy concerning todays most pressing issues) There are only 3 major fraternities on campus and a few other small ones, there is one sorority not based on a cultural, ethnic, racial or religious affiliation, and the sorority is without a house. Greek culture can become a part of your life or it can not - you will find your scene either way. The frats always throw parties, but everyone is always welcome and you often find a lot of mingling between social groups and different groups of friends on campus. Most kids always seems willing to meet new people and expand their circle rather than close it off once they have made a few tight friends. There are a lot of non-drinking opportunities - there are often plays held by either the student run production group or by the university, there are speakers almost every day of the week and there are campus sponsored parties that are alcohol free - normally music events. In addition, the university shows a film each night of the week some days free and other days $5. people go to sporting events to cheer on their friends and big games come with big crowds but we are not a sport oriented school when it comes to student social activity.


As one of the top liberal arts schools in the country, Wesleyan attracts many aspiring politicians, government and NGO workers, etc. Thus, many students are involved in some form of student government or committee. Most Wes students are also environmentally conscious/eco-friendly, so there are many programs and initiatives for planting trees, starting a self-sufficient garden, buying local produce, etc. Athletics are also popular, and some Wes teams are NESCAC champions and make deep runs into the NCAA post-season tournaments. Lots of students have jobs, whether directly through the school, with some program affiliated with the University, or a job somewhere in Middletown. There is also a great arts scene- there are always dance and choir performances, poetry slams, shows in the CFA (Center for the Arts), and movie screening on Friday and Saturday nights for those who don't feel like hitting up the party scene.


There are more student organizations here than I can count, and a lot of them are very popular and active on campus. I love band, so I've joined the pep band and played in the pit orchestra for a student production of Stephen Sondheim's Assassins, which was scary because we only had two weeks to rehearse, but was also extremely fun and fulfilling. I'm also tutoring kids in Middletown for my work study. I tutor for six hours a week, and I love it. Pep band is my favorite activity. We play at home football and basketball games and occasionally take a road trip to an away game. There's fourteen of us, and everyone's really close. Many weekends, we have pep band parties at our senior director's house. The dating scene is what you make of it. Most people seem to be looking for hookups, but if you want something else, you can find it if you look a little harder. Traditional collegiate things like frats and big sports events definitely exist here, but they're just one of the many facets of campus social life, not the central focus as they would be at a big 10 school. We in the pep band, as well as the athletes' parents, are usually the loudest fans in the stands at games. The frat parties are inclusive--they won't keep non-Greeks out, so you don't need to join one even if frat parties are your scene. If they're not, there's plenty of other things to do on a weekend--concerts, raves, hanging out in friends' homes, getting falafel or grilled cheese at the trucks that hang out here at night, or (yes) doing homework. If you come here, you will have to spend the occasional Friday or Saturday night doing homework to keep up. But not always.


Greek life is smaller at Wes than it is at other more athletically-inclined LACs, but a lot of freshman end of partying at themed parties at Psi U during their first semester. There are a multitude of other events to attend throughout the week; there are always lectures, film screenings, guest speakers, theater shows, improv groups, a capella concerts, etc. A lot of the clubs/activities on campus are coordinated entirely by students, which goes to show how passionate Wes students are about their hobbies and interests and how eager they are to share that with fellow students.


Dorm parties, frat parties, musical performances, plays, concerts, movies...these make up the most of social life. The library is a fun place to be. Everyone's in it together. Good cultural events. Dating happens usually through groups - sports teams, dorms, classes, dance troupes, musical groups, etc. Those who join these types of groups will have the most rewarding time at Wes, both romantically and socially.


House parties make up a lot of the social scene as an upperclassman, but most Freshman turn to Psi U, or their halls before venturing out to the senior houses later in the year. Weekends can start on Wednesdays if you want them to.


Alex shows us a normal day on Foss Hill with people relaxing and playing sports.


Wesleyan strays from the typical college party scene a bit. There are frat parties and house parties, which are pretty by the book, but there are also a bunch of student events that get a lot of people to come on the weekends


- I'm so glad that there aren't more frats or soroities. I think they divide the campus up. - I LOVE THE RIDE. - Students do leave their doors open---but not all of the time. - Athletic events are not popular--and i am ok with that. - I met my closest friends from living near some, dating people and getting close to their friends, bonding in classes/labs. - I had a boyfriend for a year and a half..then he cheated on me again with another wesleyan girl. now i have a new boyfriend who i love. we are all friends. it is a small campus. you need to be able to make peace with some things. - i love concerts at welseyan---I think it's terrible how eclectic has shows, but only secretly sells tickets. i also wish they'd have bigger venues for more popular shows--like the management. - i'm usually awake at 2 am still doing homework or crying about homework. - i used to never party...now i try to go out every weekend. - i wish we had the library open 24 hrs. - something that doesn't involve drinking--you can hang out in someone's room--whether ppl are drinking or not--and choose not to drink. - you can go out to dinner and not drink. - you can go to a show and not drink. - i think when ppl play drinking games...then it's boring if you're not drinking. drinking games are dumb--b/c you're not talking and getting to know ppl better. - i wish there were more spaces to practice instruments. - i wish there were more benches WITH BACKS on campus! Like--in front of Olin.


it is dynamic. there is always so much to do and so many options for week days and weekends. not only are there parties and such but there are many activities involving rich culture, political activism, humanitarian issues, food, diversity etc.