Wesleyan University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Wesleyan University?


Perhaps the most frustrating thing about Wesleyan is that its extreme liberal slant tends to rule out real debate on many issues. Classes would be more interesting if discussions included people of more diverse political opinions. Those who are conservative or religious sometimes feel like outsiders. Nonetheless, in general, Wesleyan is an extremely tolerant place, and those who do wish to spark debate on any number of interesting topics can certainly find intriguing friends.


The most frustrating thing is that students typically take only four classes per term. There are so many classes that I want to take, and sometimes I get very frustrated trying to pick only four. Additionally, I worry that I won't be able to try enough things before the end of my sophomore year to know what I want to major in or that the different classes I tried to decide on a major will be so varied that I will have a hard time completing my major requirements on time.


While the amount of work is overwhelming sometimes, the most frustrating thing about Wesleyan has nothing to do with academia, but rather the lack of transportation for getting off campus. While there is Main Street, the only thing to do there is eat or watch a movie, which we can do on campus. I think Wesleyan should work on providing buses or shuttles, for little or no fee, to the surrounding communities where we can do something simple like go to a mall.


Financial aid needs to be improved!


the admisistations obsession with making people jump through hoops


The lack of financial aid and support for minority students.


There are so many opportunities to make friends, yet it seems that if you do not form relationships quickly, it becomes too late. People quickly form groups and it is difficult to "break into" the groups.