West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Describe how West Chester University of Pennsylvania looks to someone who's never seen it.


Very Diversed and welcoming to all cultures and backgrounds, of students coming from all over the world. We also have a great number of international students


West Chester University of Pennsylvania is a state university that provides a variety of educational avenues specifically designed to meet the needs of both traditional and non-traditional students and adult learners.


West Chester University of Pennsylvania is a place of opportunity for young scholars wanting to succeed in the future.


It is a good school for someone seeking a smaller school with sports teams and clubs


A place that is accepting of all people who will take advantage of the resources that West Chester University has to offer.


West Chester University of Pennsylvania is a large party school where students have the ability to meet a variety of different people and to learn a plethora of various material, if and only if the student strives for these provided opportunities.


This school is the perfect small town, high quality university.




West Chester University is a good university that has a lot of opporunities for students to get involved, and has a staff who is willing to help students learn to the most that they can.


I love the professors of my field so much. They are incredibly knowledgeable in their fields, helpful to all students and kind. You can tell that they are all incredibly intelligent and have a great amount of experience in their fields of interest. Their interest in helping the students is quite aparent as well.