West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about West Chester University of Pennsylvania!


West Chester has a small campus feel with large campus resources and opportunities.


West Chester was founded as a teaching college, unlike most other schools that simply offer teaching degrees in addition to everything else. The education programs on campus are still strong to this day.


What is most unique about my school is that the all of the kids enrolled in my major are like a family. We share all of the same classes, do most of our extra-curricular activities together and spend time together outside of school. We all come from different places but none of that seem to matter. When we go home on our time off from school, it feels as if we are leaving our family instead of going back to our families.


West Chester is a PASSHE school, which means it is in a network with 13 other Pennsylvania schools which allows for better sharing of library materials.


There are so many organizations on campus that relate to students individual personalities and intrests. West Chester is also very involved with the community it is in, as in the town surrounding the University. Out of all of the classes I have taken, I only disliked one porfessor, all of my other professors were not only great teachers, but are people I feel as though I could stop by their office and say HI! even when i am no longer taking their course.




It is a mixture of city and country adn has a fair amount of things going on, on campus and around.


It is neither small nor large. The area is beautiful in Chester County. I have found much support in the staff, professors and other students .


The borough of West Chester is only blocks away from the University so there is always a lot to do. Most students go to the bars but there are also quaint coffee shops, affordable resteraunts and music venues within walking distance. West Chester is considered a "college town" because there are so many students living there.


What's unique about my school is the diverse student community and the willingness of the students to be helpful, friendly and considerate. The medium enrollment allows for a diverse school environment as well as maintaining small, focused classes.