The beautiful campus, academics and life and the food trucks. :-)
I brag about my amazing coach on the women's wrestling club team, and the rec center. I also really love my professors and the classes are really easy for me.
I tell my friends that the professors seem to care about their students and the education I am getting is well worth the tuition.
I tell my friends of how quaint West Chester is. It's a university that resides in a beautiful town with cobblestone streets and a short walk away from the main town of West Chester. Since I'm from Maryland I like to tell them that West Chester is my Annapolis. It's a beautiful town with old architecture and amazing ma & pop shops. I'm also a fan of how the university integrates group work into every class. It makes meeting new individuals as a freshman quite painless.
The organizations that were on campus. There was organizations for just about everything you can think of. By them having so many organization it made it easier to firstly find friend with the same interests as you and secondly branch out to try something new. I loved being involved in different organizations and unified with people of newly found interest.
the great music program
Along with the superior academics and excellent overall value of the institution, I find myself "bragging" to other friends about the wonderful involvement opportunities present on campus. A medium sized institution, West Chester truly has a club or organization for every student. While the student must make the effort to discover the organization on their own, the oppotunity to become a part of the campus is available.
I tell them that tuition is decent and that my professors are really nice and willing to help.
When my friends ask about my college life, I enjoy bragging about the classes here at West Chester University The school provides its students with a great learning enviroment, with a small student to teacher ratio. I know I am actually learning things! At this college, the professors care about your future. They care about the things you are learning and how they will affect you in the future. The classes are focused around your major, producing great results. I could not be happier about the classes and quality of education I am getting here at West Chester University.