West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend West Chester University of Pennsylvania?


Some one who is only looking to party. You will fail out and never succeed, just too close to the city.


The person that isn't planning on succeding shouldn't attend this school.


Anyone who is looking for a less intimite atmosphere.


Some one who will be ok with a fairly large student body, who can make friends on their own, and not need to cling to people. I have a large number of friends in all majors, and within multiple activities that I persue. Without being self-sufficient, sometimes students get lost at West Chester, and end up transferring.


Someone looking for a city experience.


Someone who's not open to diversity.


If you are not outgoing and do not make friends easily, it will be very hard for you here. If you are transferring, it will be even tougher. People are not very friendly to newcomers and it is the hardest on transfers.


Someone who is an introvert. College is all about meeting new people and experiencing new things.... And this college is no different.




I think that anyone who wanted to should attend this school. You can't restrict anyone or tell certain people that they shouldn't attend. College is a place to learn about yourself and watch your dreams come true.