West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about West Chester University of Pennsylvania?


The most frustrating thing about my school would have to be the lack of parking. I have now reached the classes that are not in as much of a demand as other classes, so they are only offered at one time during the semester. This can mean a night class. Since I live off campus, I find it safer to drive to class than walk late at night alone. However, this is sometimes an issue since I can never find parking. This may be a small issue, but when it comes to safty, it becomes a huge issue.


The most frustrating thing would be driving around the campus, there are alot fo people walking around so sometimes it is hard to manuver through campus.


I think that the most frustrating thing about West Chester University is that there are not many food options on campus. The dining hall, market, and food court usually are packed with students and the wait in line is always long. The diner runs out of a lot of food by night. We need to add more restaurants that stay open late at WCU. I also believe that we need more parking lots on campus. Move in and move out day are packed and crowded because there is only one main parking lot for the dorms.


The most frustrating part about West Chester University is, to be perfectly honest, the construction that is presently taking place. It sounds trivial but the students that live close to the action and I myself having to deal with it walking to town or classes must agree. It's loud and disruptive especially to those who live in halls next to it, but we are all aware it could be a lot worse and that it is for the improvement of the university.


The most frustrating this about my school is the lack of diversity. It is not just race/ethnicity, but lack of experience and knowledge of other cultures and lifestyles. Many of the students that attend this school are from around the surrounding area, which makes it a little hard to become friends with people when I'm from five hours away. Most of the students here are friends that they went to high school with.


It is severely overpopulated. This overpopulation results in limited class offerings because there are not enough professors for the students that are enrolled and the classes that are needed to accomodate the students. There is not enough housing for the students that attend either. Which is evident in the fact that they will only guarauntee housing to freshman students and after freshman year, you are no longer guaraunteed housing and you must fight to get a place to live on or off campus. And there is not nearly enough parking to accomodate the traffic that the university draws.


The most frustrating thing about West Chester University is the divide between minority Greek organizations and the Inter-Greek and Pan-Hellenic Greek council (which are majority Caucasian students). I think that the volunteerism provided by Greek organizations as well as the events that they put together in general would have been so much more productive if they would work together rather than support the separation that was established hundreds of years ago when these organizations were established.


The most frustrating thing about WCU is either how crowded Lawrence Dining Hall gets or how large most of the classes are.


The most frustrating thing about West Chester University of Pennsylvania are the large amount of students that commute to the school from local towns and nearby counties. When there are a large amount of commuters, it is harder to create a community environment and connect with those students inside and outside of the classroom. Since it is harder to establish relationships with commuter students, as a full-time on campus resident at the University I find it more difficult to take pride in the University since so many others are not involved in campus life.


There is nothing frustrating about West Chester