West Chester University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


that there were so many kids from my highschool that i didnt get along with that go here.


gross cafeteria food


That it isn't that great of a school and I could be somewhere better.


I wish i knew that the school would be constructing new dorms that take up a lot of free space. i also wish I knew that the students were not allowed to play on the campus soccer fields.


School is serious! What you do today will effect you in the future.


Before I came to college, I wish I was aware of the importance of study habits. In high school, I could easily breeze through reviewing my notes before taking a test, and I would perform well. In college, however, I did not realize the importance of long-term study habits, reviewing notes, and spending time in the library. It was not until my junior year that I established these guidelines for myself, which my grades definitely show. If I could go back to my freshman year, I would automatically start spending more time in the library learning how to study.


All the majors they had so I knew what my options were career wise and how much running around I would have to do to graduate. Also. all of the activities that were on campus and the academic programs supplied to get ahead. When I transferred here I didn't have much help and didn't know about all of the programs here to aid me in my academics