West Virginia University Top Questions

Describe the students at West Virginia University.


Extremely spirited and proud.


Some of the classes are very large but the classmates that I have talked to in these classes are all very nice and try their best to get along with everyone. The smaller classes are the exact same way. No one seems to judge someone who is different as much as they did in high school and everyone is much more tolerant. I believe that all the classmates that you have understand that everyone is there for the same reason; to get an education and to better yourself as a person.


My classmates are amazing creative people that are caring and close to one another.


The majority of my classmates seem like highly motivated people with definite goals.


My classmates are very diverse.


they are pretty crazy sometimes, but overall very nice people.


They are all Jersey girls, who smoke/drink. None of the students there actually want to get an education which is sad!


My class makes are very helpful, willing to get together and do group work, and diverse.


They are a wide variteity of people, from counrty kids to city bred, it is nice to see the varity.


There are very friendly and have great discussions.