Academics at WVU are what you make of them. There are a lot of different kinds of classes and different kinds of students who go to WVU. Some students choose just go to sit in the back of the class and only do the bare minimum to get by, but this is not something I would recommend. In most cases, if you show your professor that you are interested and willing to learn, they will show you the same respect back by getting to know you and helping you out when needed. And if for some reason you still need help, the university offers free tutoring for a variety of subjects.
I am currently an Agriculture and Extension Education major. I have taken some really neat classes for this so far. Not only have I taken the basics such as English, Math, and Biology, but I have also taken a class where I learned how to weld, and a class where we went to the university farm and worked with the animals there. I have been thinking about switching my major and my advisor along with other advisors I have met with are really helping me through this process.
Having the party school reputation that it does, WVU is often seen as a school where the students party more than they study. However, WVU is a terrific academic institution with top of the line professors. In your first few years of study it is likely that you will be in larger classrooms ranging from 50-150 students. As you go deeper into your studies the class slim down and you develop more of a personal relationship with professors. WVU is the flagship University of the state of West Virginia. The requirements to be admitted as an undergraduate student are very low but the drop out rate is very high as a lot of students do not focus on their studies nearly as much as they should. WVU has one of the best libraries in the country and you will almost always find it crowded. WVU certainly prepares its students for life after college as professional classes are a requirement for most majors. These classes help to make sure each student is prepared for finding a job following their graduation. My favorite classes were always the larger ones as it is a great way to meet other students. It is not likely to hear intellectual conversations outside of class as it is more likely that students will be talking about their upcoming plans for that night or the weekend.
Since many undergraduate classes are lecture-based, I have to reach out to my teachers but once I do, they know my name and say hi to me when they see me in between classes. My favorite class is biology because it is challenging and interesting. My least favorite class is physics, my teacher is awesome but I am not a good physics student. Students study mostly around test time and during the week. Class participation is common but attendance is sometimes off with lower undergraduate classes. If you go to the book stores or clubs, students will be having some intellectual conversations. Most students are not competitive but those that are, really are. The most unique class I have taken was Women in Movies. I am a double major with Forestry and Wildlife & Fisheries. The teachers know their stuff and I absolutely love my majors. The academic requirments coming into WVU are low but that is because WVU provides help to students who have had a hard time with school thus far.
I won't say academics are considered the best at WVU, however, I believe that we have amazing educational experiences to offer. With the business college, pharmacy school, and engineering schools all being among the top in the country, it is no wonder why over 28,000 students call WVU home. There are tons of different colleges and hundreds of majors and minors. As a political science major, I can say that the advising done by the university to make sure you graduate on time and with high grades and strong classes is great.
good, the school has very good academics and they have only become more important to the school in the past few years
I am a physical education/teacher education major. All of my professors know my name. Class participation is very common in my major. There are a lot of professors that spend time with students outside of class, bowling, basketball, etc. The requirements for my major are great. WVU really prepares you for a job, at least in my major they do.
My favorite class has to be the Service Dog Training class. I mean who doesn't want to spend an entire class period with a Golden Retriever. The best part of it is is that we actually place these dogs with clients who have mobility problems. It's so awesome. Classes at WVU can be really big, but most of the teachers are fantastic. I've learned a lot from each of my classes no matter what the subject. I've yet to have a boring class. I would definitely say that most of the education at WVU is geared towards getting jobs. Most of the professors I have had relate all the material to real life. It's a great experience. As far as the students go, it's probably 50/50. Half of the students study very hard to work and get great grades, the other half party and drink a lot. They don't really care about getting assignments in on time. So it's about half and half.
It's a big school and entry level classes can fill up auditoriums. If the student takes the time to get to know the professor, the professor will take the time for the student. WVU really has a big mix of professors. There are some quality professors and some that are far from being quality, but they do have one thing in common, they care about their students. A WVU education is a great education, especially in the engineering department. Most departments in the engineering college have 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} job placement ratings to any student who chooses to enter the field upon graduation.
I have had a good experience with academics here at WVU. Same with mostly everyhting in life, what you get out if it depends on how much you put into it, but learning and broadening your horizons can certainly be done. My one complaint is that coming in as a freshman I had no idea what I wanted to do and I had difficulty trying to change my major. But I found that professors and administrators are all very helpful and knowledgable.
My most unique class happened to be my honors class last semester - Puppets, Masks, and Magic. It was a theater class and a fun release from all of my other more typical classes.
academics are competitive and challenging -- no matter what the program.