West Virginia University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend West Virginia University?


A person that should attend WVU is someone who is very school spirited, someone who is willing to take advantage of the university's education, extracirricular activites and social life, someone who is determined to be successful and someone who is not easily distacted.


This school has a large number of students. Anyone that has difficulty with large classes still has the potential to do well here because help is available. If the person does not enjoy classes with a large number of students, he/she might not enjoy the classes here.


Someone who enjoys nightlife but also has an appreciation for the outdoors and nature as there are many places to go out on the town and many places to sit on a mountainside and reflect on life.


a very social person willing to interact with many students that are just like them.


Someone focused and disciplined, but also friendly, tolerant, outgoing, and spirited (and a sports fan!!!) would thrive here.


A person who is willing to work hard/ and wants to play hard.


Football oriented students with the ability to drink and most of the time hold their liquor, who are able to attend their class the next day and make signifigant advances in their studies.


The type of person that should attend this school is someone who is ready to work, dedicated, and focused. West Virginia University is a very good school academically. It challenges students to learn and to go above and beyond in their learning. Graduates of WVU usually have a job waiting for them. In order to get to graduation you have to be ready to work, dedicated , and focused so they can get the best education posible.


In my personal opinion, any type of person should attend WVU! This school is very welcoming of new students, and makes it easy for new students to find friends. I didn't know anyone when I first attended WVU, but programs like Adventure WV and many orientation classes help to break the ice with incoming freshmen and help them feel comfortable on campus.


Fun loving academically driven