West Virginia University Top Questions

What should every freshman at West Virginia University know before they start?


I would tell myself to go and take college classes at fairmont state. That way i could get rid of all the general eduacation credits i need to have before being admitted to my major. This would greatly speed up my college experience and allow me to graduate with a degree sooner.


I would tell myself to have fun, but be smart. Save money, don't spend money on things you don't need. Textbooks cost more money than you realize. I would also tell myself to listen when people tell you to pick the teacher, not the time. I know it sounds dumb, but it's not bad advice. I realize that stacking classes makes life easier, but it's not worth three days a week with a teacher you hate. I would remind myself to type up each day's notes the same night, because notebooks don't have a "ctrl+f" function and you might not be able to read your handwriting tomorrow. I would tell myself to enjoy high school, but to plan ahead for college.


Study. That would be my main thing, and not to get to involved with friends that you forget your homework. I would also tell myself that I need to learn to take good lecture notes.


I would tell myself not to be afraid of who I am. Throughout high school everyone was always worried about what everyone else thought. In college, people dont care. You are who you are, and you find friends that are compatible to you as a person. These may be friends for a lifetime . I would also tell myself to develop study routine. College is much harder then high school and finding a study routine will make studying easier, grades better, and life less stressful. Lastly, I would advise myself to keep an open mind. Coming from a small town, I experienced much less diversity among people and views. By keeping an open mind, it was easier to merge myself into the college life and allowed me to meet some really great friends.


Follow your heart and your dreams, keep on the path you are on, and you will be alright.


It would be to enjoy the full college experience and make sure you get connected to the school and you get as involved as possible. Getting involved gives you amazing oppurtunities to meet people who could help you later on in life for recommendations and jobs possibilities. You can also get great resume experience from involvement with clubs and activities.


I would say Emily, think about what you want to do every day when you wake up. Is this the place you need to be to get to that point. i dont know that someone could encessarily put a price on education, but how affordable your school is is very important. College isnt for everyone, being a resident assistant i see it every day. College is for people that are driven and dedicated. you need to be driven and dedicated to reach goals and get to where you want to be in life.


If I could go back and talk to myself when I was a high school senior, the first thing I would say is to stop missing class. It it very serious not miss information that will later help you. I wish I would have paid more attention to things in order to carry them over to college. Second thing would be to say that people you call your friends now, will not be your friends at all once you go away to college. The people who you will call true friends, will be the people you meet in college. I would also tell myself to enjoy the time I have at home with my family and don't take advantage of it. When my brother went away to college, I didn't think he was gone that long until I left myself. You take advantage of lots of things that you do not think about until you're gone. The final thing I would tell myself would be ready, the next few years are going to be rough but fun.


All in all I think I did a pretty good job transitioning from high school to college. The only thing I really keep telling myself is that going from a junior to a senior in college is exactly like gonig from a junior to a senior in highschool, it's just one grade up, do not stress so much about it. Soemtimes it is easy to let things go to our heads when there is so much work to do and not enough time to do it in. With two papers due, a test in your hardest class, and a presentation in another class all in the same week it can feel like you are never going to win and you cannot possibly get everything finished in time, take everything one thing at a time. Finish your first paper, then your second. Make sure everything for your presentation is finished and organized. Then pull out your books and study for your exam. If you try to do everything at once you will never get anything done.


I would take more math classes.