West Virginia University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about West Virginia University?


It sometimes seems there are too many people for such a college town. The town is normal sized but is way to overpopulated to the point where it makes it smaller. Transportation can also be a problem. Parking anywhere is horrible and the (PRT) usually breaks down and can be very frustrating.


As stated previously, the transportation is the most frustrating. The efficiency is not always up to par and could be fixed.


Getting appointments with academic advisors is sometimes challenging because they frequently cancel appointments. Also financial aid can be fairly difficult to get things squared away. Often I feel like people in positions of power at our university think of us students as nothing but dumb students who should have no say and just pay their salary.


The amount of money you spend on textbooks. Often feels they are overpriced.


I believe that the most frustrating think about West Virginia University is having to ride the prt to get to the downtown campus. I think that a renovation of the prt would be a great asset for the university. In the cold weather expecially, the prt has been known to break down and cause students to miss class.


There's too many stairs! The PRT could use some new programming as well.


Its easy to become a number. The opportunities are there but many people fall through the cracks because the money has already been paid.


ALthough WVU has improved on the diversity, it still is not enough. It looks as if things are segregated. People feel more comfortable with people who are like them. Even though there is some mingling of races, on the grander scheme of things, the races are segregated.


The most frustrating thing about WVU is the weather. The school is located in the mountains so the weather is very sparatic. Someone could go to class wearing a winter coat in the morning and before noon it's tee-shirt weather outside!


WVU is a very large school and it is very easy to get lost. Much of the campus is spread throughout the town and it can be very frustrating. Just keep your chin up and you will figure it out!