West Virginia Wesleyan College Top Questions

What should every freshman at West Virginia Wesleyan College know before they start?


If I could go back and time and give my former self advice about college life here is what I would tell myself: ?Try and take as many college classes as you can now, they will help you significantly in the future.? I had the opportunity to earn twelve credit hours (four classes) at the same college I?ve been attending since 2007 as a high school senior. Because I had the experience of a college environment under my belt, I was able to succeed early-on in my first semester when I made the Dean?s List with an overall GPA for that semester of 3.8. My overall GPA did suffer because I earned two C?s as a high school senior, but the experience I gained from those classes was invaluable. Until you actually take a college class or two, there?s no other way of preparing yourself for the environment of it. You simply have to do it; no amount of high school classes touches the level of intellect and also the level of learning that can be accomplished in college if you?re well-driven and have a good head on your shoulders!


In hindsight, there are several things that i see would have helped me in adjusting to college life. For one, the food. I would have made sure that I was used to less appetizing foods. But despite all that i could have prepared myself for, if I got the opportunity to go back and give myself advice, i would not take it. I believe that everything happens for a reason. If i had been better prepared then i would not have gained knowledge from the valuable experiences that i have had. For example, if i would have known that my roommate would be a bit talkative, i would not have learned how to deal with someone with a more chatty personality. Also, if i would have been aware of the lack of heat in the dorm rooms, i would not have learned how to be resourceful in desperate times. The experiences that i have been through in college have taught me more than i could have imagined; more than mother could have told, and more than a text book could have shown. I would not be who and where i am today had i not gone through what i have.


Hello Senior year Ashley. I'm you from the future and I am here to give you some advise before you head into you college years. You are doing a great job so far, you work hard and stay focused on your studies and have really learned the importance of time management. Juggling swimming, dance, extra cirriucular activies, and keeping a 4.0 is going to help you so much in those first few years of college. I'm here to tell you not to forget everything you have learned. Keep using those time management skills, they are the key to your success in college. With swimming on a D2 varsity swim team and working on getting your BSN, free time is going to be hard to find if you don't get your work done when it is assigned. Ultimatly what I'm here to say is keep up the good work and when you get to school don't forget the person you are. Be an individual, stand up for what you believe in, and work hard at everything you do. If you do all of this you will succeed in your social and academic life.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself one important piece of advice. I would tell my self to stop worrying about what other people think. I know that this sounds very cliche and a little vague, but that is the most important advice I could give a high school senior getting ready to enter college. I know that my first semester of college, I was so wrapped up in and concerned over what the other people thought of me that I missed out on a lot of great opportunities. Had I taken the time to realize that everyone else was feeling the same way and so focused on their own lives, I would have enjoyed that semester a lot more. I would tell all high school seniors that no matter how it seems, nobody is staring at you, I promise. Forget about what everyone else might think, and enjoy college to the fullest. Take every opportunity that is thrown your way, because they might not come by twice.


If I could go back and talk to myself in high school I would tell myself that the next few years of your life are going to be hard, exciting, and challenging. But dont give up on the dreams you have now, and keep those dreams close to you. Because when you come to college you will be challenged, tested, and critized. But because you are challenged you will become a stronger person and a mentally tougher individual. And college will instill in you, a work ethic, and sense of pride in yourself. So prepare yourself now to FAIL and FALL. But train your mind and body to get back up and keep running down that dream. God Bless and Good Luck in the future.


As a high school senior, I was extremely nervous about beginning my college career. I dreaded the idea of dormitories and cafeterias! I feared that the classes would be too difficult! Most of all, I feared that I would have no social life... When I arrived at college I DID find that both the dorm rooms and cafeteria food were poor; however, I soon realized that the people in those dorm rooms and that cafeteria were one of the greatest things that ever happened to me and would soon become my best friends. I also found college classes to be more engaging than that of high school; although I did have to work harder, I was finally beyond "busy work." Additionally, I quickly learned how to balance both an academic and social life, something I once thought to be impossible. Although college has its cons, the perks outweigh them. If bad cafeteria food is the price of obtaining great friends and immense knowledge, I'll pay! If I could give my high school self advice, it would be "BREATH GIRL! JUST CALM DOWN!! You'll be just FINE!"


Study study study and no party party party


Stay home , attend the community college and take core electives needed at ALL colleges , work and SAVE money. And figure out exact what career path I want to take in life.


Start taking the ACT/SAT tests sooner!


I would have myself calm down about the decision alot. Things always seem to work out as best as they should. Don't worry so much about having a set life plan, that could just mess you up down the road. Learn better study strategies before college, and try to take a harder chemisty class!