There are three steps to success in college:
1)Go to class.
2)Have your work finished.
3)Make friends.
I know you don’t think our social life is imperative to your academic life, but what you will learn is that exchange of ideas with your peers helps you grow. Hearing from others will expand your own creativity and life perceptions. Don’t be afraid to speak!
If I could go back and tell myself about college life, I'd tell myself to calm down. I came to realize that college is very challenging, but I have prepared myself for college by being an excellent student from kindergarden through senior year of high school. I would tell myself that I can handle what is coming, and even though I need to prepare for an intense year, it will not be as bad at it seems. The one negative thing I would tell myself is that you have a lot of freedom, and you need to use it wisely. I did very well my first year of college, all A's and B's, but I could still have studied harder. I would have told myself to be even more responsible than I thought I should be, and to study before hanging out with friends.
Dear High School Self,
I want to advise you to not be so nervous about starting college. You are going to love college life. You are going to make many great friends and memories. You will get through this big transition from high school to college. I advise you to look ahead, but to still focus on the current semester. Do not worry so much about when you are graduating or if you will get done in four years. It will all work out for the best. I want to tell you that you are capable of doing this. Also, do not be so quick to turn down opportunities for new friends, new experiences. Believe in yourself more and you will be fine. You should not worry about whether you can handle a certain class. You get an A in Western Civilization Since 1648, therefore you can get an A in any other class you take! Just take risks, and I promise it will be worth it. You have your family and friends right there by your side, who believe in you more than you even believe in yourself.
College Self
Caps tossed in the air
Celebrations begin
In a flash you’ll enter another world
You think you know who you are
You think you have control
But trust me when I say
Everything will be challenged
What you think makes sense
no longer will
What you thought you had
will threaten to go
You’ll teeter on edge
as the wind comes to blow
And facts you think have been subdued
will rise again with a daring face
...but relax
This isn’t meant to scare
You choose
Life will find solid ground once more
As a college freshman, I clearly remember High School but I'm now engrossed in college life. It really is as amazing as people say. However, it takes work and effort. You must put the effort into making it another "home" and somewhere you feel comfortable. Nothing is handed to you here. Everything is earned one way or another.
Leaving High School can be scary, and for some, more so than others. Be brave and step out of your comfort zone. College is about experimenting and expanding your life. Remember who you are, and who you want to be, but enjoy yourself.
Sabina, make sure you are searching online for scholarships and grants, you know exactly why you are attending university. Plan to study abroad. Also dont forget that college is not only time for studying, but also making life long friends, meeting people with the same hobbies and interest as yours. Experiencing exciting and amazing new things. When scheduling for classes, make sure that the distance between the buldings that your classes will be in are close When scheduling for classes make sure that the distance between the bultings that your classes will be in are close enough to each other, so you get to the class at a time and wont suffer and run from one place to another and come in to the class breathing hardly. And always remember," "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
— Nelson Mandela
I have a gained a new sense of freedom and of responsibility. I am responsible for getting to class and getting my assignments done. I am responsible for doing the right thing and staying out of trouble. It is a good stepping stone for learning to live on my own, away from my parents and those who have nurtured me my whole life.
I've made some very close friends here at WKU. I've never had school spirit in my entire life. I never cheered at any highschool sporting events, but here I can't help but have pride in my school. I don't feel like I'm forced to be here and I love it.
As a college student, I have become more independent, and learned to take on my own responsibilities. Also, I've learned how to stay organized and focused, and have found the best and most effective ways to study and be successful. Besides the academic take on things, I've also learned very valuable people skills. Before coming to college, I was a quiet and shy individual, but since coming to college, I've become so much more outgoing and involved. Living on a college campus has opened my eyes to new opportunities and new people, and I've learned how to react and deal with the trickiest situations.
I have got out of that you have to work for you want, nothing is ever handed to you. In college I have learned as an adult you have to take care of yourself and defend yourelf because no one else is.
My college experience has been magical. Before attending college, I had never spent more than a week from home, so I was very nervous to spend 4 months, 5 hours away from home. It was challenging, I was homesick many times, but I am so glad that i stuck through it. By going to college, I have broken out of my shell. It is hard living away from home and all of your friends, you have to become more outgoing in order to survive. Before college, I was this shy girl with low self-esteem. Being in college has opened me up to new ideas, new aspirations, and new beginnings. It has been a life changing experince that I would reccomend anyone to do!