Well I did all my college stuff on my own. I filled out all the fincial aid papers. Would have been nice to have someone there to just kind of tell me I was doing everything right or wrong. I'd say the most important thing that I wish I had known would probably be how important it is to make sure you get into smaller classes.
More information about the campus and where things were located.
Before I came to this school I wish I had known that the school shared accredidation for engineering with the University of Kentucky. This makes me worried that a degree from this school would not be as useful as a degree from a fully accredited university.
I really wish I had known how to study , before I started attending Western kentucky University. In high school I was diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease. I was in and out of the doctors office and hospital and had to be put on home bound because I was missing too many days of school. I therefore had to teach myself throughout my sophmore and junior years. I worked very hard to accomplish my goals and graduated suma cum laude. I wish I had of known how to teach myself to study effectively for college.
I was always told the downsides to going to Western Kentucky University. Being a local, you hear these things day in and day out. But it's always one of those things that you never realize until you experience it for yourself. The parking situations on campus is terrible and you have to show up 30 minutes early just so you can search for a parking spot. While being a commuter saves money, the parking situation can sometimes cause you to miss class.
I knew most of what i needed to know before I came to this school. They have answered all of my questions for me with the information they have provided me with. It was so simple when dealing with finanial aid and getting classes I wanted and needed.
I wish I had known the value of asking for help. Whether it's financial aid or simply advising, there are many people around campus who were willing to help me, and I didn't take advantage of that. I'm now squeezing every penny to make ends meet, and it is completely my fault. I wish that I had been more willing to accept the help of the advising staff; their knowledge and assistance is priceless.
I wish I had known what other schools had to offer compared to Western. Keep your eyes open and don't limit your options for any reasons.
I wish someone had told me the importance of reaching out of your comfort zone. I didn't know many people at WKU, so I hardly ever ventured out of my dorm room. As a result of this, I mae few friends and didn't fully experience my first semester of college. I didn't attend as many school events as I would have liked, either, so I didn't understand how much school pride exists on campus.
Upon coming to this school, I wish that I had been better prepared to study hard and be more disciplined as a student. As an incoming freshmen, I was often lured into skipping my homework to go out with friends or some other activity. As I matured, it became clear to me that I had to devote more time to studying in order to maintain good grades and more importantly learn information that will be useful to m in my career.