Western Michigan University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Western Michigan University accurate?


Possibly for the parties. I don't party, so I can't say from experience, but I have seen that the statistics for Western show that it takes the average student here longer to graduate than it does at other universities, possibly from partying, possibly not. I've also heard that the LBGT program here is much better than it is in many other schools, and that actually draws some students to Western.


Not entirely, I'd say we are a typical college environment.


Some more than others fall into this category.


I don't think Western is any worse then any other college.


pretty much


Not at all. People get it into their mind that everyone is like that but in all actuality, there is a small portion of our school that it pertains to.


These stereotypes are accurate to a degree, but I also think that western has its share of studious students, who do not drink or drink very little.


I'd say yes. We weren't put on Rolling Stone's Top 10 party schools because half the kids they interviewed couldn't remember going to the party the night before. We party harder than the Number One Party School.


sometimes-but not for the students who come here to actually get an education.


WMU is no different than any other public university of our size.