Western Michigan University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


The Fraternities and Sororities are all located together on one street consecutively ... one after the other so parties last all night long and party hopping is often encouraged, with students stubling drunk from one frat to the next one after the other. Thirsty thursday, people are getting drunk untill like 1:30 seeing as no one has friday classes here. Friday and Saturday people are often seen drinking at all times of the day, cops dont seem to enforce underage drinking or public drunkeness at all ever and their presence never stops a party NEVER. People just don't seem to care. The student ghetto has the next largest concentration of social connection. Old houses subdevided into small apts. make a huge neighborhood close to the stadium and people party here as much as fraternity row. Smoking happens here more. An apartment complex called the arboretums is the final party central. Free parking, a pool and great fitness center, most parties in an apartment are here, usually people can be seen walking in circles outside listening to see which party to goto. Divine 9 Fraternities and Sororities are not located on frat row and hold their own events at private locations and often promoted on facebook, parties are garunteed to sell out around 12:30 as inflation rises on cover. Most people come to Bigelow cafe, the largest cafeteria on campus to eat and hangout long after they have eaten. Regulars can be seen frequenting the grill and crowing the TV's or Patio-style tables. Also in the fall Bigelow has air-conditioning!


Organizations: Drive Safe Kalamazoo, Campus Activities Board, LGBT (OutSpoken) Groups: Greek Life (Sigma Chi, Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, Sigma Kappa) Teams: Football, Hockey I'm involved in Draper/Siedschlag Hall Council My freshman year in Henry Hall, my neighbors and I kept our doors open all the time. My experience in D/S is that they do not. Athletic Events are very popular (esp. for the male teams) I met my closest friends by living in the residence halls for 3 years! If I'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday, it's because I'm doing homework. If it's nice out we could be playing ultimate frisby or something!! Every year Homecoming is a big eventful week, Senior Citien's Prom at the Bernhard Center, Little Sibs Weekend (1 per semester), etc. Last weekend I got together with friends and did homework. Watch a movie in a friend's room (dorm), play cards, video games, board games, cook fun foods/desserts, play spoons, play sports outside (ex: ultimate frisby, tennis, football) go to a movie for cheap with student discounts off campus, shopping in Kalamazoo, go out to eat at the Union where WMU music studets preform (downtown), CATCH PHRASE (my friends and I love that game!!), etc. Shopping, movies, out to eat, go to friends' apartments, go to work, go to the beach in south haven, etc.


There are a large number of fraternities and sororities, there is the Campus Activities Board, lots of intramural sports and a bunch more groups i probably dont even know about. I am involved in Campus Crusade for Christ or "Cru" which is an interdenominational Christian organization but it is just one of several. We meet once a week in a big group meeting as well as have "community groups" another night. We also have several trips/retreats throughout the year which are an absolute blast! Cru is a group for Christians of all kinds and even those that know nothing about Christianity and are just curious. Students in the Freshman dorms leave their doors open towards the beginning of the year but less as the year progresses so make sure to go and meet people right off the bat. The athletic events are popular because students get in free to every home event. I met my closest friends through Cru. If i am awake at 2am on tuesday im probably watching tv in my dorm while talking to people in AIM. Bronco bash happens every year at the beginning of the year and it is a great way to find out about all the student organizations and get some free stuff. Last weekend in was in Florida on spring break. On saturday nights you can go out to the movies, go sledding in the winter, just hang out at someone's apartment and play games, my friends and i sometimes go to a jazz club and smoke cigars.


Dsk, intramurals, CAB. Students in dorms don't leave their dorms open. Hockey is popular, football is too. Gymnastics and Track isn't. The dating scene bites. I met my closest friends in the dorm in which I live. If I'm awake that early, I would be taking Tylenol PM. Bronco Bash happens each year. People don't care what day it is, they party without reason. Frats and Sororities aren't important. Go to a hockey game on saturday night, or go bowling or to a movie.


i dont know, flag football which most people take quite seriously, most do, sports suck here i dont go to speakers so i don;t know and i don't go to the theater either, playing video games or watching food network, St. patty's day Superbowl Central Western is every other year there use to be a Layfette block party every welcome week til there was a 2000 person riot, people party everyday if going to the bar counts, if you're in one its life everyone else hates them, worked at the bar and got completly hammered of vodka and monster energy drink, there is a comedy club in town you can be the DD you can laugh at drunk people go bowling see movies have sex with women only alcholics can't have fun without booze, i do everything off campus except go to class and the computer lab.


I've noticed Sigma Tau Delta is popular with students who are English majors. I'm involved with the German Table, a group who meets once a week to exchange German culture and language. Dorm students tend to close their doors. Football and hockey are more popular than baseball and basketball. We have a very strong offering of guest speakers and theater. I'm a little old for the dating scene, but I notice students tend to meet in classes. I met my closest friends in classes. At 2am on Tuesday, many students are studying. Traditions include Spirit Day, the Friday before Spring Break, which people take off. Students tend to party about every weekend, starting on Thursday. Frats and Sororities are important to the people involved in them, but they do not rule the campus. Last weekend I went on Spring Break! On a Saturday night one can go to the movies, go dancing, visit friends. Off campus I attend church, go to the great library downtown, and go out to dinner often.


CAB!! Hockey is most popular! Miller is awesome about providing wonderful theater experiences..as well as all the University Theater productions! :-)


WMU is boring.


The students in my hall do not leave their doors open. They did more at the beginning of the year, but as time goes on, it seems fewer and fewer doors are open, though many left unlocked and friends just go in. My closest friends I met either by living with, meeting as Bronco Buddies, or by taking the same class and now we're dating. If I'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I'm either studying or at my boyfriend's apartment hanging out, possibly studying over there, or watching the History Channel. Everything I do doesn't involve drinking. I don't drink or party, and though I don't have the most extensive social life, I have multiple friends and I like to spend time with them. Often I just go to my boyfriend's apartment or to my friends' apartments off campus. Other things I seem to repeatedly do include go shopping at Meijer late at night, bowling, watch a movie - Theater, Miller, or rented. When it's nice outside, its awesome to go to East campus and look out over Kalamazoo.


I'm involved with the Bronco Marching Band and love it. it really promotes a community/family atmosphere and is fun as well. On saturdays, you can go see a movie, go to the mall, bowling, go downtown, clubbing, drinking, stay in, or participate in a student run activity.