Western Michigan University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Western Michigan University?

Is Western Michigan University a good school?

What is Western Michigan University known for?


I would change the bad teachers.


I must say that the biggest complaint most students I've heard make, as well as myself, is the cost of books. Not buying back books really makes it worse, too. Especially when the next semester, there are no Used texts for the class. The best thing about WMU on the surface is that it's gorgeous. The campus itself is very pretty, with lots of grass and wonderful places to sit (when it's not winter, of course). I really like the size of the campus, though I haven't had any classes at the College of Human Services or Engineering, or anywhere else, just on the main campus. I like that most of my teachers know me by name, if not at least recognize me, but I don't feel like it's too small by far. One thing that I would change is the requirement of a meal plan for nearly every residence hall. I think that we should be allowed to put money on our cards to eat in the Dining Services, especially since it's not much, if any, cheaper to have a meal plan, especially if you don't eat all of the meals you could. I spend most of the time I'm on campus in the library if I'm not in class. I have decently large breaks between most of my classes, so instead of walking back to my room in between them, I usually go to the library - more specifically the basement. I think they'd sell a lot more of the snacks down there if they weren't so expensive. Maybe they do well as is, but it seems like people get junk out of the vending machine more than they get decent food out of the rotating refrigerated machine.


School Size: Not too small, it's a good size but it could also expand. There is school pride present. Student Complaints: rare snow days, not salting/plowing the sidewalks/ bad spending, wasting money. I really like it here


The best thing for me is the atmosphere in the Marching Band. It is like instantly having 300 friends. The size of the school is perfect for me. On campus I basically live in Schneider, that's where most of my classes are and I sit in the lounge between classes. I think that Kalamazoo is a college town, I live on the 'other side' of town, not near campus. I have seen schools with more school pride than us, but I think that there is school pride here.


So far my experience at Western has been a good one. My favorite thing has to be all of the people I have met. I have made the most amazing friends and met the greatest people. I love all of the extra activities that Western has to offer. I think Western is just the right size. No where is TOO far to walk. I also love the food places around campus. There is always somewhere to get snacks. The fact that we get into all of the games for free really helps our school pride. I know I'm really proud to be going here.


wmu teaches you to think for yourself. i would update all of the facilities if i could change something. i think wmu is just right; enough faculty and programs to accommodate a lot of students, but small enough to get a lot of one on one help from teachers. a lot of people have considered wmu when suggested. as an art major, i spend a lot of time in the richmond center for the visual arts and the arts wing of kohrman hall. kalamazoo is definitely a college town, with wmu, kalamazoo college, and kvcc all in one area. wmu's administration is very much looking to a bigger future, considering adding a medical school, etc. i don't know of any big controversies on campus recently. there's tons of school pride all over kalamazoo and michigan. wmu came from very conservative roots, but it is now progressing to becoming one of the top four schools in michigan. i'll always remember being in the marching band and playing the first note of the fanfare at pregame in waldo stadium. the most frequent student complaints are about the dorms.


What I love about WMU is the people. There are so many people that its easy to find someone to help you with your homework or to make friends with. I love the size of the school since if there is someone you can't stand, there is a high probablility that you wont see them. I live in the dorms here and I love it. There is always something going on and some of the people you meet here have the chance to be your best friend. True, there is alot of drama in the dorms but you get that everywhere you live. I spend most of my time in my dorm room. So many people complain about how crappy the dorms are but really, they aren't that bad. People are used to fully furnished, nice houses but dorms are nothing like your parents house. There are some things that you have to get used to but once you do, its a lot of fun and something that is a great experience.


I think the best thing about western is the size of the campus. If I could change anything I would change that we are not in a big conference for sports. I spend most of my tie either at the rec or at my house studying. I think that western is somewhat of a college town but its not as big as say East Lansing. My opinion of the WMU administration is that they need to make moves to get more money to continue updating some of the buildings on campus. Most of the buildings are updated but there are still some that could use some refernishing. There isn't much school pride as compared to a bigger conference school, but i think for a school in the MAC we have a lot of school pride. The most frequent student complaints is the cost of parking passes, or the cost of tuition.


Pros - Close to 7-11, the Den, Wendy's, the Music School, very easy to find a group to be in. School is a good size. Not too big, not too small. People give me a lot of shit for going to Western, but that's because I know a lot of people that go/went to Central. I spend a lot of time either in the Bernhard Center or at my house, which is still conveniently on campus. There's a crapload of school pride. Cons - party monsters, lots of douchebaggy kids, it feels like a lot of students come here just to party, which isn't a fun environment for me.


I love the campus, but the one thing i would change is the bus route. it'd be nice to have it really planned out. I think the size of western is perfect, it's a little big college with the perks of a big and little university. people tell me i go to wastern when i tell them where i go and it's irritating. I spend most of my time on campus because i live and work in the dorms and have friends who live here with me. There is NO COLLEGE TOWN things are very widely spaced here and it is irritating and difficult to not have a car. The administration here is good. I love the psych department and they always do they're best to help me when i have questions. I think there is moderate pride-it won't be out and out but people like this school. WMU is a typical college but i love it. I think it's irritating just how spread out things are. but that's about it