Western Michigan University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Western Michigan University know before they start?


I have learned how to live on my own (in a dorm), and become more independent from my parents. I am more responsible and my goals are more important to me. In college I am maintaining a part-time job which will help me pay for college, and I feel good knowing I can support myself in some way. It has been very valuable to attend college to discover different career paths and explore majors I may want to pursue. I love meeting new people in college, like in student organizations. I am part of the animal adoption organization because I have a huge passion for animals and non-profit work (volunteering). Having this organization at college is very beneficial to me and helps me figure out what I want to do academically. Overall, college has been a great experience my first year and I am looking forward to furthering my education toward success.


When I first started thinking about attending college I was oh-so nervous. I heard the stories of hazing at sororities and fraternities. Plus the fact that I was growing up didn't help. When I finally started attending however, it was very different from what I expected. I made friends quickly, and the classes were nothing like what I had imagined. I like the feel of not doing the same thing every day, like highschool. I love to be able to express myself and not have to worry about what the people think, because they are all new and I haven't had classes with them since kindergarten. I have definitely grown and changed as a person since I graduated highschool and this is why college is so valuable to me.


When I first entered college I never thought I would be like the dozens of other people I know who began their college experience enrolled in a specific area of study only to change their major down the road. However, I quicky realized I was no different. After three weeks into the second semester of my original major, I realized I hated it. I had no desire to do the work for the courses directed towards my major. Instead of just sticking through it like many people do, I decided that I needed to figure out what I really wanted. I came home for a semester to think my future through. I decided to enroll in my local community college in case I changed my mind again. Luck would have it that my new major was a perfect fit. It was something I enrolled in on a whim. I had no experience with this particular major, but it was almost as if it had been created just for me. The most imporant lesson I've learned is not to limit yourself. Explore. Experience. Learn. Most importantly, learn to love learning.


I am getting a higher education. Going to college is preparing me for my future as a teacher. I am proud to call myself a bronco.


As John Dewey once said, "Education is growth. Education is not a prearation for life; education is life itself." College is not just important in order to obtain a job. It is important for groeth as a human being. College has so much to offer, which extends way beyond learning in a classroom. College has given me lasting friendships, knowlwge about the world, as well as a strong foundation and understanding of my particular field. It has been extremey valuable to attend because I have gained a love for learning that will continue to grow my entire life. I was able to find a path in life that I truly believe in, and through my college experience I was able to hone those skills while meeting life long friends. I believe college is an important experience in life in order to be a better person and learn about the world.


So far I have recieved a quality education to advance me towards a degree.


I am not attending any college such yet. I would love to finally find a school and a career that I enjoy doing. I have had such trouble either with the colleges not having what I would like or wanting me to go to school for years on end.


I have already learned so much about my major in the few weeks I've been here along with learning so much about myself in general. My knowledge about my subjects and life in general have been bolstered so much that I can't think of any reason that anyone should not want to come here.


I have only been in college for a few weeks now, but what I have gotten out of it is discipline. I learned that I need to discipline myself to do my homework instead of hang out with friends, or read the textbook instead of surf on Facebook. Going to college has been valuable because, on the non-academic side of things, I learned what's more important in my life. It's not Facebook or the Playstation; it's my family. I miss them, and I know they miss me. They are most important to me, and I want to make them proud by succeeding in college.


My college experience has been an eye opener. It has taught me to be more independent and to grow up a little bit. I realized it is not high school any more. I attend community college with plans to transfer to a local university. The class schedual is more flexible because I decide when I go and what I want to take. It has been valuable to attend because I can further my education in the field I want to study and to look good on job applications and to stand out from the other applicants.