Western Oregon University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


I believe our school is most known for the programs it offers. By this I mean it might be known to different people different ways. To me it is best known for it's pre-nursing program and its criminal justice program. I also know that it is known for different things because of the choice of career for each person.


It's best known for their Education program, it's said to be one of the best.


Western Oregon University is best known as a school you go to in an attempt to become a teacher.


My school is best known for their American Sign Language and ASL Interpreting program


This school specializes in Education studies. It is a small campus in a small town. The professors are made available for help and have flexible office hours. Class sizes are managable. You are most likely to see a face more than once on campus or in a term. There are no fraterities or soroities on campus, which allows for more academic focus. It is considered a dry town. Drinking is not permitted on campus. Public safelty is always on patrol so the safety factor is not a problem.


Kevin Boss. A beautiful campus.


Well, WOU was once just an education school, so the education department is very famous. It is also one of the only two schools in the state (The other being SOU) that offers a BFA (Bachellor of Fine Arts) for theater related careers. The school is listed as a Liberal Arts and Science college, and it lives up to that. Many of my friends, along with myself, are going into one of these two (I'm going into both). Because of such a wide variety of majors, great teachers, and small classes the school apeals to many students.