Students need to get involed on campus. FInd a group that is interested in the same things as you are and become involved as much as you can. This will give you the chance to not only get to know other students but to also get to know other faculty. If there is not a group that meets your needs then start one! The most important things you can do to make the most out of your college experience is to be yourself! Move to your own rhythm; whistle your own tune; dance to your own beat! Be yourself and don't be afraid to stand out! Have fun and let everyone get to know the unique person you are. The final piece of advice I have is to fina a balance between school work and having fun. You will meet lifelong friends at college. Create memories with these new friends that you will remember for years to come! Also, find time to relax and do something for yourself. This will help relieve stress, especially during finals.
I would tell students to really research the schools that they apply to. Taking tours and reading about the school before going to it really makes a difference. I would encourage parents to help their children by giving them the opportunity to go to the school before they apply, take a tour and talk to an admissions counselor. They should make sure that the major that they want to pursue is one that the school has a good department for. School can get very boring if you have to take the same types of classes from the same professors every term.
Visit the schools you wish to attend! You will not get the full experience unless you visit the campus, meet with a couple of professors, and talk to a few current students.
Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Do not be afraid to get involved. Do not be afraid to meet new people. Do not be afraid to take challenging classes. Do not be afraid of cafeteria food (you will need to remember this one or you will starve). Do not be afraid to grow. Do not be afraid to try something new. Do not be afraid to apply at top schools. Fear just holds you back from doing and accomplishing great things. Moving far away and being on your own for the first time is scary. And that is natural, but don't let it hold you back.
TOUR THE CAMPUS, make sure the school offers what you are looking for.
Dotn worry about the money or what your parents want. Do what makes you happy. if you do that then your college years will much more enjoyable
It's all about what college fits your personality and feels like home. Students spend a lot of time at school so they need to pick an environment that is comfortable and is undoubtedly a good fit. They also need to condisder their vision for their life and if the school can help them successfully achieve that vision.
To make the most of college you need to have the right balance of fun and focus. It's important to make those life long friends along the way. It's important not to miss out on the memories. Yet it's even more important to remember your goals and why you are here.
Just remember not to choose a college for the big name or because your parents want you to go there or because its the only place that gave you a scholarship. Choose a college because it suits YOU and YOUR dreams!
Don't make your college decision based upon brochures or viewbooks that are sent to you. Take time to visit each school, sit in on classes and talk to students and professors. By physically visiting a school you get a much better feel on what life on that particular campus may be like. And if for some reason you cannot go to your first choice school, it's okay. College is what you make it. Get involved, make friends, get to know your professors and you can still have a challenging and rewarding college experience.
Visit the schools and check out the campus. Check out some different classrooms, and all the dorms, as well as the city around campus. Try to do an overnight stay and see how the dining hall is, and just walk around and explore the campus a bit, as well as talk to an advisor about all the programs, especially those youre interested. Try to meet a professor in your intended major and find out about the program and what you can get out of it.
I would advise students to get a feel for the town where the potential college is located and see if it is somewhere they would enjoy calling home for the next four years. I would also recommend that they take a tour of the college and get a feel for its class sizes and variety of clubs and extracurricular activities offered. It is important to find a school where you feel comfortable and are able to take part in activities that you enjoy. Finally I would recommend sitting in on a class and getting a feel for the professors and their styles of teaching. You can make the most of your college experience by applying yourself academically, but still leaving time to enjoy yourself and meet new people. This will ensure that you have the degree and the memories to last a lifetime.