The diversity of the students, the knowledge of the professors, and the overall education received here makes this university simply amazing.
The best thing about Western Oregon University is the size of the campus. It is relatively small, which makes getting from class to class in a short amount of time very easy. Which helps when you only have ten minutes before your next class.
The best thing about Western Oregon University is its diverse environment. The feeling of acceptance once you step on its campus. Diversity is a the key to acceptance and the key to getting everyone togther, so we can get to know and accept one another.
The best thing about this school is all the extra help and services provided by the school. I have used the resources many times and they are very helpful.
I love the small classes and the diversity. There are so many people from so many parts of the world with so many different interests and dreams. Having those small classrooms really gives one the chance to get to know a lot of really interesting people, including the professors. Although Western is in a more rainy climate, it makes up for it with the beautiful springs and summers.
The best thing about WOU was that the classes are small and the professors know who you are. There is a lot of accountability in coming to class and doing your work. I enjoyed the experience because I got to know my instuctors, felt comfortable visiting them in their office if I had a question, or even calling them on the phone if I needed. It is a small school, beautiful campus and agreat opportunity to get a very good education.
There are many attributes to attending Western Oregon University. One of the finest things about attending here are the activities that the staff provides the students with. Being as it is a very small university and town the staff provides the students with great ways to keep the students having fun and being involved without getting into trouble. For one example they provided the students with trips to the mountains to go snowboarding for they day. This is a great way to get away from campus and have an environment were you can get away from school and just relax.
The best thing about my school is the size. It is small so that you can develop a relationship with your teachers, they can always help you pass or excell in classes. Also, the classes are very small in size, of course, so that each student receives more individual attention.
Small class sizes are fantastic. The professors really want you to know the material that they are teaching and they try to get to know you. They will go out of there way to help you if you show them that you are willing to work hard.
I love the size of the student population. I have gone to other colleges where there could be almost 300 students in a lecture, and the professors just spoke out. Here at Western professors are very interactive, and so many of the classes are filled with open discussions, which provides for a real hands on learning experience. The professors are also very interactive on a one-on-one basis, I have never had so much support from the faculty. There are also several outside resources which professors encourage you to take part in. Western was like love at first sight.