Western Washington University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Western Washington University?


Westertn does not have a Greek system, so people who are into fraternaty/sororities should not attend Western. Also, considering that schools with a Greek system tend to have more gang violence, I would say gansters should not attend WWU either.


Very conservative. Not open or accepting. Materialistic.


A very close-minded conservative person. Someone looking for a party atmosphere (fraternity/sorority). Someone looking for a large campus.


If you're an outgoing person who likes to interact with people from many diverse interests, backgrounds, and personalities, this school is definitely not for you. Everyone is painfully homogenous. White, upper middle class, beer pong enthused, snowboard loving, straight from the depths of suburbia but recite every bubblegum rapper's lyrics like a reverend recites the bible, institutionally racist, intolerant losers. The rest are tree hugging hippes that smoke waaay too much pot, make their own clothes, don't wear shoes, and wouldn't dare take more than one shower a week for the environments sake.


I not sure becasue we seem to be a very diverse school , but you have to be willing to put effort in to you school work .