After making my transition from a small town outside of Pittsburgh to West Virginia Unviersity, it was overwhelming. WVU is a large school with over 30,000 students. The classes hod anywhere from 15-100 people. The out-of-state tutition is also extremly high. If I could talk to my high school self again I would convince myself to go to community college from the beginning. Community college saves thousands of dollars and can lead to a four year school easily. I do not regret attending West Virginia University, it was a great learning experience and made my decision very easy. Even though I've only been out of high school for a few months I know I have changed and matured. My high school self felt I could do whatever I pleased. Ateending and paying for West Virginia University was one of these things. I wish I was able to convince myself to stay at home to attend community college and save myself the money.
I would simply tell students to stay focused on what they're in school for and don't let the other things sidetrack or hinder them getting their education. Parties and fun unrelated to your academics are the most trivial things in college. Instead of cracking open that can of beer or popping open a bottle from your nearest wine & spirits, read some chapters, finish your homework, do what needs to be done to ensure that your time is being well spent instead of wasted. You haven't worked so hard for the past 13 years of your life to get to college and get dismissed. Don't take the great opportunity you have before you for granted. Education is one of the most essential, if not the most essential keys to leading a great successful life. All of the parties and fun will be there for you when you get that degree, but the time money and education, wait for no one.
I would tell myself to follow my dreams and stay focused. Do not get caught up with people who don't care about you or your future. Don't give up easily. Work hard for what you want and don't let anyone deter you!
If I could go back in time and visit myself as a carefree high school senior, the point I would stress most about is what I want in the college I choose to go to. I've been at Westmoreland County Community College for two years and I absolutely love it! The education I recieved, I believe, is as good as any other college or university at a more affordable cost and the class size is perfect for my preference. However, the fact that I only see my classmates two or three times a week makes it extremely difficult to form life long friendships.
If I were to counsel myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself to choose a college with the ideals that I want. I may not know what I want to do, but choosing a college with the right specifications is important. The education, teacher-student interaction, and dormitory life is an important aspect of college and I would tell myself to choose the school that best suits my interests with each.
I would tell myself to straighen up, the chemistry you should have taken in highschool is now going to cost you eighty dollars, and to pay more attenion in algebra: again thats another eighty dollar class. Quit trying to be a social butterfly, because no one is where "we" are at now, and "we" did it all on our own. So pat yourslef on the back, and keep your head up high, you hit some really rough spots but thats what makes "me" who "we" are today.
I would definately choose to go to community college again to start out with. I feel you can really find yourself and figure out what you want to do with your life while being in the security of your hometown. I know if I would have left home right out of high school, I probably would have failed. Most of my friends had a difficult time adjusting to college life and I'm glad that I did not have to deal with that. Community college is a great way to save money and a good start to your college life.