Advice I would give to myself would be to prepare myself for a big decission when it comes to which college to attend. Pay attention to facts of the school such school graduation rates and job placements to make sure that the school is credible and will offer what you want. Do your research before you decide what carreer path you want to take so you get the best idea of what it will take to get there. Make sure to maintain a good GPA to qualify for several schoolarships because college can be expensive. Think of all possible suggestions to pay for college and plan them out ahead of time to limit tuition surprises. Stay focused and don't get dicouraged if plans don't go accordingly after you graduate High School.
First I would tell myself to study harder to get better grades, and focus more on the future instead of partying all the time. I would warn myself about promisses made by college recruiters when searching for universities, and make sure to get everything in writing before signing any commitment. Showing me that sometimes bargains are not always what they seem, and to do an indepth comparison befor making a choice in order to make the best possible decision. In this way I could avoid my current situation in financial difficulties, and probably could create a better education for myself.
I would have to myself to stay focused because school is much easier when you are younger and going to school at that point in my life was my job. If I would have stayed in school after high school scholarship funds would have much easier for me to get. Making this transition into adulthood, career, and family life is challenging for me at times because I have several things to juggle at once instead of just being able to focus in on my education like I did when I was in high school. Staying in school was not my focus when I was 19 years old. I had other alternatives that I felt like were more important and when I look back on my decisions I wish that I would have those choices. I am thankful that I do have the opportunity to further my education now because late is better than never.
Hi, I am you. Listen buckle down and get your grades up. You need to go to college to get anywhere in life. You should go to college right out of high school and not wait. Go for scholorships and financial aid. College isn't so hard, but you have to do it now. Don't wait until you are married and have kids, then you won't be able to go until they are grown up and then you are 44 years old and forgotten everything that you learned out of high school. Just do it now. Good Luck. College is great and a different life than what you know. You can do this, you have always liked change and this will be a change for the good.
Going back in time would be a great opportunity to tell myself about how much fun going to college really is. Beth, do not be afraid to take classes. I know you struggled with high school but I have faith in you and you can do the work. You may have to work hard at it at time, but I promises you it is well worth the reward at the end. In order for you to succeed in life you have to challenge yourself. College is nothing like high school. You get to meet people all across Colorado and you will make new friends. The classes you will be taking are challenging but the learning the professior will provide to you will open to your eyes to a whole new meaning of what life is really about outside of high school. So, when you decided to take that big step remember you will not fail you will succeed and that I have faith in what you decide to do with your life. College is worth it!
I would tell myself to prepare for the rigorous training necessary to achieve the skills needed to advance my career in avionics. I would tell myself not to worry so much about what the future holds in college, but rather embrace the knowledge that I am paying for with all of my ability and determination. I would also let myself know that college will naturally open many doors into any career that I desire. I would encourage myself to obtain as many skills as I could possibly learn, study, and practice these skills throughout my time in college and then apply them to the career that fits me the best.
Well if I could go back to my senior year, I would have told myself how important college is, and that instead of not going at that time like I did not, I would have made sure that I inspired myself to attend college after high school instead of waiting like I did. I would have convinced myself how important college is and that for me to do anything else would be a mistake. I would have told myself the difference it would make in my life as far as finances and security in life.
Wait to get pregnant and have children. All of it is wonderful! Take your time to experience it all in due time. Stop goofing around in class and help your mom more. She is a single parent taking care of 3 kids and needs your help because you are the oldest girl and the most responsible one. Take care of your brother and sister like mom wants you to do. Plan better and make better choices as it all matters in the end. Education is the most important thing you will ever do. Don't wait until you have raised your kids to do it. Follow your dreams and give love and education a chance. You can do it!
I tell myself to go to college and not listen to my high school boyfriend that wanted me to stay behind. I would also tell myself to relax a little about life and not to be so serious at all times.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, and knowing what I know now about college life, and making the transition, The advice that I would give myslef would be don't take anything for granted. You can always excel in all that you do. It doesn't matter who is by your side at the current time in the decisions you are making, because only you can make the difference in your life. You have to be the one to make the final decisions and what you do with the time that you have is up to you. It wont be easy, but you do it just fine so just take a deep breathe and relax. You can do it and you actually do it better after taking some time off from school and growing up a little. You learn more with lifes experiences and so just think about what you want out of life and all you have to do is try. You might come across a few mountains but you will succeed. Just have faith and know you are not alone in this. I'm wishing myself luck!