The best advice I could possibly give myself would be to take advantage of the opportunities the university offers. Immerse yourself in the college and take the time to research and familiarize yourself with the financial aid, scholarships, clubs and organizations the univeristy offers, as well as those available within your specific college. Getting involved with organizations is an invaluable experience that can be used as a resume builder as well as a networking opportunity. Networking is something that is consistently underrated that is essential to becoming successful. In todays market place many jobs come from word of mouth or a contact putting in a good word. Working hard to become involved and fostering those relationships are something that should be done from the moment you step onto campus, and for the rest of your life.
My advise to my self would be to take time to make your choices in what you want to be when you grow up. Do not let your buddies talk you out of it, if you want to be a professional rodeo clown or a Doctor, try both maybe you will be both. There is not one right answer, make the best out of any learning expierence you get. It does not matter what you do, because if you just choose something because somebody else tells you to you will not be happy. So do whatever you want but be happy and do your best at whatever it is you choose to do with your life.
If I could go back in time and give myself advice, it would be to take as many college level course my senior year that my high school offered. This would have saved me money and time that I am now currently having to take but with a heavy price tag. Also I would tell myself that I need to study more and not worry about working so much as I worked 40+ hours in high school but still managed to get a 3.83 G.P.A. I also wish that I would hav been more involved with my school than I was, since it would have helped me to this day.
From the future, this is you. College is not as easy as high school, as high school came easy and you didn't have to study; college is going to be different. Study and you will do well. It will be tempting to skip class sometimes, as the professors do not all take attendance, and nobody will notice if you are gone, but attend each class, as it will be yourself that you are ripping off. The professors are there to help you, but you have to help yourself before anyone can help you. Attend class and study. Go out and do the things that the Student Activities Council plans. There are really great events and talents to go see and great people to meet. Stay in the dorm freshman year, you meet many people that you will remain close to throughout the rest of college. Study, go to class, go out on campus, and spend some time in the dorm. That is the recipe for success.
The best advice I could give myself would be not be so worried about finishing quickly. Enjoy the time you have at college and take things slow. Its far too easy to try to grow up quickly but take your time to mature. College is supposed to be the best years of your life. Enjoy them, but do not lose focus on your overall goal, graduation.
Go to the grocery store once a week instead of eating out so much. Stay on task, have a calendar and know due dates. Get involved and ask about opportunities on campus.
Most high school students think about all the wrong things when they start to apply to colleges. They factor in where their significant other is going, where all their friends are going, the cheapest school, the closest school, or the furthest school. I think students should ask themselves one question: "Where would I go if I could go anywhere I wanted and nothing was an issue?" I think if students asked themselves that then they would end up where they want to be and feel satisfied with their decisions. I don't think students should worry about all the other "stuff" that goes along with picking a college, because in the end if I go to the school I want to and study exactly what I want to study then I know that I will be happy and it will all be worth it in the end. Now is the time to take chances, because the mistakes and risks we make when we are 18 don't have to affect the rest of our lives. So follow your heart now, because when you are 50 you don't want to wish you had it to do all over again.
With a professor for a father, education is viewed as necessary for success. In order to be successful not only in college, but in the real world it's important to take advantage of all of the opportunities college provides for you not only in the classroom. Participating in a study abroad program, internship, coop, community service and extracurricular activities makes college an experience and creates memories to last a lifetime. I'm not suggesting a student forget about the reason they're in school, to get an education, but I believe there is more to college than reading textbooks and attending class. Networking is an important skill to develop in college including the ability to meet a variety of people and sell yourself to their company. Know who you are and what you want to do with your life and if you don't know try a variety of different options until one feels right. College will be one of the most challenging but rewarding times in your life. It teaches you to rely on yourself but never be afraid to ask for help. Most importantly believe in yourself and remember to be thankful for the opportunities college provides.
Start taking summer classes as soon as you graduate, is the first thing I would tell myself if I could go back in time. Doing this will allow you to have a couple of classes under your belt by the time fall semester starts. It also gives you familiarity of the campus and experience in the college classroom. Don't be afraid to jump in there and ask questions, even though everything is new, this will help you gain confidence. I would highly recommend getting involved with an on campus organization as soon as possible. Not only will you have a good time and meet new people, you will be actively participating in a group that will enable you to gain vital skills necessary for life. I would attempt to decide on a major or an area of interest quickly because you need to set academic goals and make sure you are taking the courses required for your degree. Befriending some professors early on will ensure professional mentors who will be able to write recommendation letters. Take advantage of this short time period, because it will pass fast. Live your life to the fullest and be sure to have fun!
If I could go back to my senior year in high school, I would give myself the confidence to pursue any dream I've ever dreampt. Once you get in college, you often hear that your only focus should be academics and keeping your head in a book. After a year and a half of focusing nothing but on school books, I found I had left so many dreams unfulfilled. Now, I let myself venture out and experience life to its fullest. It may not always lead me down the path I had desired, however I never fail to walk away from an experience without learning something and bettering myself along the way. College is the intermission of life which should be lived with discovery and adventure.