Widener University Top Questions

Describe how Widener University looks to someone who's never seen it.


Easy walking distances around campus, and very out-going workers.


I think our campus is nice to walk across... Everything is not too far to trek with your books and its nice cause the library is sort of in the middle of everything centralized from classrooms I especially love the spring when the cherry blossoms are everywhere WOW ! http://www.widener.edu/admissions/undergraduate/visit


Returning to school as a non-traditional student at Widener has been the most challenging and fulfilling thing I have ever done, and the professors provide an excellent education while demanding the personal best of each student. Even though I am a night student, I have felt like I belonged at Widener from the very beginning and I have learned a great deal from drawing on the life experiences of my fellow students.


Not only does Widener give you an upper hand before you graduate because of the curriculum that they provide here but it also is a very credited university out in the real world and that is where the upper hand really comes into place.


Widener is a perfect size and provides great resources for anything you may need to do well both socially and academically.


WIdener University is filled with as many operunities as possible, there are plenty of different majors to chosse from as well as sports and other clubs and activites in which they encourage their students to participate in to help the students grow into well rounded adults and that also help the university, the comunity surrounding it and the nation, their enthusiasm towards learning and being an active member in ones future work place and living enviornment does not go unnoticed.


Widener is an awesome school with great people, both teachers and students, who all seem like they want to help make your college experience as rewarding as possible.


Widener University is like a second home to me.


A smaller school in a city with a high crime rate that values cultural diversity.


Widener equals drinking because they take all your money, we drin k to forget.