Wilkes University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Wilkes University?


The sports programs here a excellent and the coaches are very willing to work around academic schedules. This makes it easy to play a sport while still maintaining a high GPA.


I brag most about the closeness of the campus. Everyone is very friendly and knows almost everyone on campus. I also brag that it is a private university.


no, I'm not very happy with the administration of the school


I brag most about the quality of my room and my participation in the school activities.


The Jay S. Sidhu School of Business of Wilkes University because it is a good program and I recently graduated from it with my bachelors degree.


The fact that the campus is small and less than 3000 people are enrolled allows intereaction with faculty and better leaning. Also, the campus itself is very inviting and theres always somewhere to just chill out