I really wish this was possible to do. I would tell my self to apply to a university and not a junior college, and not worry about the cost of tuition because resources are available. It is better to have a great education than to save money on one. I would tell my self to focus on school and read the required chapters; social activities with friends can wait, but it is important to take a day off from studying. Things will work out for the better in the end.
If I had the opportunity, I would go back and tell my high school self to NOT BE STUPID! Graduating from high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do or what school I wanted to go to. I chose to apply to only one four-year institution and only because I was told by everybody that I was supposed to go to college. Though my grades were hardly better than average, my ACT score was high, so I was accepted, and though I had the opportunity to go to the community college in my area for free and give myself some time to decide what major I wanted to pursue in addition to saving money, I chose to go to the distant, expensive school, chose the wrong major, and got sick of it within one semester. Luckily, I've grown up and I've been making far wiser decisions now. Now all I need is the money to go through with the degree my heart is telling me to earn!
stay more focus at times. fun is always going to be there but education is something that you want to get out the way. it all comes down to one thing. school is something that a person is bless to attend, dont take if for granted. college is a life of experience that you will get to experience but control is the key. have a list of goals, plan a, plan b, and plan c. cause you never know how your future predict.
I would tell myself to be more focused. I didn't have to study in high school it all came to me so easy so i would tell myself you will have to study hard and this is a whole new ball game from high school. You will experience new things some good and some bad u will become a nerd and get mad when you get a B on a test instead of an A. I would tell myself to be more outgoing and more expressive to get out of my shell and enjoy my colege years.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to prepare more for college. I ended up not having enough money to cover my costs of the school year, but couldn't hold down a job because of adjusting to the new environment and focusing on studies. This was a problem for my family, as they had to make up the difference, and I felt guilty about their having to spend the money. I would also tell myself to prepare more for studying. High school was easy, and the first trimester of college was easy. The second trimester, however, was not quite so easy. I actually had to study for one of my courses, and studying is a skill that is not stressed much in high school. I would tell myself the main difference between college and high school: high school is about memorization, but college is about LEARNING. I would advise myself not to wait till the last minute. But most of all if I could go back, I would stress the importance of being financially prepared.
I have learned that there is more to life than just a social life and going out and partying. At William Caey, you learn that there is somethig much more to living. Here you gain knowledge on just about every subject, and even f you do not believe inGod, you learn things about him that makes you trust him more and more every day. Here, you gain friends for life, great expericenses that is embeeded in your memory, and meetamazing people you will never forget. The university opens your eyes to different cultures and the needy around you Going to this college makes you appreciate life.
College has been wonder so far. I have gotten a higher self-esteem and encouragement from all of my advisors that even at 42 I can still do this thing called college.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the first thing I would tell myself was to start taking the ACT/SAT as early as possible. I think that is the only place I went wrong when preparing for college I waited until the last minute to take the ACT/SAT. The next thing I would tell myself was to study even harder and improve my work ethic. College, especially my school, is very self reliant. If you do not study or do the work no one is going to make sure you get it done. You have to go to class even if you do not want to as take as many notes as possible. And finally I would warn myself as a high school senior to just enjoy college and all it has to offer. Yes you have to work and study hard but college has a lot of fun and great experiences out there just waiting for you to enjoy.
Research as much as possible. Plan ahead, plan ahead, plan ahead and don't waste your time at a community college if your going to end up at a university, skip all the wasted time, money, and energy; and go directly after what it is that you want.
Azea college isnt all about going to the TOP schools in the nation. Or trying to satisfy everyones preference of what school you should attend. Its not just about partying, freedom, and guys either. Its about finding yourself as a person. Making mistakes and learning from them. Dont ever be afraid to fail, because in life you will fail. Success comes into play when you learn how to overcome your obstacles and stand on your own two feet. I say this because the school you will attend your freshman year isnt the school you will graduate from. The major you intended on pursuing isnt the major you will graduate with. Community colleges are not just for the students who "BARELY" graduate from highschool. They are also for students like yourself. Students who have to leave a four college because they cant afford it financially. Dont be scared by what I am saying because its all part of a journey. As a result you find your hearts desire, your passion. Life is what you make it ,"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. "