William Carey University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about William Carey University?


Wish they had somewhere for a person to work out.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the fact that we are on a faster pace than the rest of the colleges in our state. Instead of semesters we complete trimesters or 10 weeks of school, at a time. To me that is a little too fast to learn and actually retain the information learned.


One of the most frustrating things is also one of my most favorite things about the school. The most frustrating thing is that the building that I will be spending most of my time in is directly across the street from the main campus. Between classes I have to run back in forth across a busy neighborhood road. It can be scary with cars zooming by with out a care about the college students on the side of the road, but it is very rewarding to be isolated away from the main campus, it has its pros and cons.


The most fustrating thing about my school would have to be that there is only a limited amount of courses offered in the summer. I also dislike that to enter into their nursing program you must apply for either the fall or spring semester and must pass the nurse entrance exam. I feel you should be judged based on your gpa and not a standarized test. You should also be able to take nursing courses in the summer so you wont have to wait a whole semester, if you prefer to complete your degree at a faster pace.


The time the class are offer.


The most frustrating thing about my school is enrollment. Each individual is enrolled on campus which is inefficient.