Anyone ready to take their education to the next level. But I would recommend the school to students who have no problem being in classes with people from all over the world, coming from different backrounds and and upbringings.
The type of person that should attend William Paterson is conservative. If your more to yourself, but socialize here and there than you are perfect. Alot of students at William Paterson are more to themselves, but engage with others sometimes, mostly for assignments when they have to work together or eating lunch. I think this behavior stems from a big percentage of students who commute.There are some groups on campus that invites students to come and interact with other students, but for the most part everyone is not so friendly, but not mean either.
The type of person that should attend William Paterson is a student willing to work, is tolerent of other cultures, and is a responsible adult.
Someone who wants to learn for the sake of learning and to better their future.
I think people who attend this school should be willing to make the most of their college experience. Some people complain that there is nothing to do, but that is only because they haven't gotten out there and looked for something that appeals to them. There's a lot to do if you look. I also think people should be ready to be challenged academically and to be serious and focused aout their studies. Too many people expect their grades to be handed to them without working for them.
The type of person that should attend this school is someone who is comfortable in diverse settings and does not feel comfortable in a diverse environment. The person should also be aware that it is not considered a "party" school and is usually quiet on the weekends, the majority of the students are commuters. The person should also be the type of person that is friendly and socialable and is comfortable talking and discussing in and outside the classroom.
someone who wants to go into music or teaching
I feel that with different majors this answer would vary, so I'll answer for nursing majors. You must have determination, compassion, goals, a good work ethic, and strength. The nursing program is very difficult, so to excell you should want it badly and study hard. You need to understand that you won't have a big social life for four years. However, it's all worth it when you get your degree and are able to do what you love and help people. Nursing is an art and you have to go through a transition to get there.
Any kind of person should attend this school. The school offers a variety to find the needs of almost any type of student. The Music program at the University is very good and I also heard the same about the Business school.
William Paterson University is the right place for a student who wants to have wild animals as his or her walking buddy to class. There are always turkeys, chipmunks, ground hogs, deer or raccoons wandering around campus. Occassionally, there's a random black cat. If you're lucky, you even get to see a bear or wolf. Being a student here, especially in the fall, is like reliving the beginning of the movie, The Lion King. With so many animals, you can't help but feel that the animals are a part of your student family.